(no subject)

May 05, 2006 14:11

well, i've been back in st. john's now since the 28th. and it's been nothing but going out and spending money ever since..haha...steve was here until yesterday...we had some drinks a few times and ate at the keg, which was more money than i was hoping to spend on a meal but it was sooooo good. i paid $7.50 for a green apple martini and it was 100% worth it. i almost bought another. by far the best drink i've ever had in my life. i could go on. but i won't.

jillian came home on monday!! woot woot! we went to peddlers that night because marky bragg was playing there for the alice cooper after party dealie. mark opened for the band that opened for alice cooper, crash kelly. they were super stereotypical hair metal rock & roll kinda band. like every song had something about rock & roll or rocking out in the title. it was fun times. but was also a kinda weird night though. no matter who's playing you just can't take the skeetiness out of peddlers. this gawky looking guy tried to get me and jill to dance and we wouldn't so he decided to slap my ass instead. i was vicious. some random girl came up and hugged me and told me i was pretty. and then we ended up talking to these french guy outside as we were trying to leave and one of them put his arm around me and kissed my head. it's the most action i've gotten in awhile. too bad it was all creepy action..haha..

lesley goes back to halifax on sunday. that makes me sad.
ryan comes to visit tomorrow for a few days. that makes me happy.
tonight is the pub crawl. that also makes me happy.
school starts monday. that makes me both sad and happy.
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