Hello Dreamwidth friends :) I'm just back from Escapade--my first ever. Well, if Sunday night red eye/Monday morning counts as just back... Anyway, I'm still feeling that condrop feeling... where everywhere you look around you expect to see the folks from the con that you're so used to seeing, and it's a bit of a shock that they're not there.
There were so many terrific, inspiring, invigorating conversations taking place at Escapade, and I met so many wonderful people (and was reunited with many VVC peeps as well), I'm definitely feeling the loss. One of the repeated conversations was about shifting fan spaces, and how we feel the loss of the communities borne in part of threaded conversations on LJ and DW. So, here I am. I'm thinking about the reasons I've had trouble being present on DW, and maybe it's in part because I haven't put in the time and labor and love to really feel part of the community here. I want to do that now, because hell yeah, I really do miss those parts of fandom where I built friendships online and participated in creative partnerships and collaborations. We can't go back to the days of.... the SV drabble community, or what have you, but maybe there are new communities to be fostered? Or one's that I'm missing out on? One of the things that came up was that A03 is actually functioning as a space of community, something I hadn't really fully thought about, and I love that idea... I'm going to try to explore that as well.
Oops. This wasn't supposed to be a meta post. This was supposed to be a vid rec post. Well, let me do a little bit of that too. I really loved the Escapade vidshow (and also the steampunky aesthetic of the DVD and show bumpers, so cool!)
Not all the vids that I want to rec are up, and I think I'll do a few rec posts, so here are just a couple to share to start off.
There was
anoel 's "ILYSB" -- I adore the use of cell phone footage to create this sense of intimacy that seems to reach out from the intimacy of the Hamilton cast to that of Hamilton fandom. (Also, not unrelated, the emotional highlight of Escapade may have been the singalong portions of the Hamilton panel). Oh no, this vid doesn't seem to be up yet :( I will post it when it is!
Our House by
smutcutter. OK, this one isn't up yet either I don't think, but I still want to capture my thoughts about it. I loved how it was this study of the 221b space in Sherlock, which reminded me of
milly 's
"Landslide" in its evoking of a space as a character, almost, but also the way it mapped notions of family on Sherlock, suggesting the way that Sherlock depicts a family of choice that reflects but isn't quite yet a traditional family. (Um. Please forgive the run ons. Sleep deprived here.) Also, this vid was so fun!
Okay, and finally one I can link to :)
rhaegal 's
"Wait for It", A Star Trek Spock POV vid set to Hamilton. I don't know if I have words for this vid yet, but I'm going to try. It combines the weight of those Star Trek images that have stayed with us for so long (and that we got to return to and reinvent with the reboot) with the emotional weight of "Wait for It" and Hamilton right now, and just synthesizes it all so beautifully, with such a gut punch. Total love.
There were many other vids I loved but I am out of time now, so I shall save those for a later post.
This entry was originally posted at
http://lola.dreamwidth.org/105344.html. Comments welcome here or there.