I almost didn't do this meme, thinking that in this crazy year where I raised a one year old and finished my book (woo hoo!) I didn't make any vids. But actually, that's not true. While my hard drive(s) actually are scattered with the beginnings of vids that may never see the light of day (True Detective vid, I'm coming for you...) I did finish two vids this year. I don't know if I can really go through the whole list of "hardest to make," "favorite," etc. when I only have two vids. But I'll do an abridged version. And hey, there were also my GISHWHES vids... but I think I'll save those for another post.
Charlie (The Sprawl II) September:
Reflektor LOL. And that's all folks! My resolutions for the new year (for vidding and beyond) are to: Simplify, Produce, and Empathize. Not necessarily in that order, but it will be interesting to see how that effects my vidding. I hope that it will actually lead to more vidding and less false starts.
Favorite? Least favorite? I think I like Charlie best, out of the two. Funny that on this year where I only made two vids, they're both Arcade Fire vids. That really wasn't by intent and I haven't at all only been listening to The Arcade Fire. And yet that can't be an accident.
But Charlie was originally meant to be my VVC vid, and I started it in June of *2013.* It was a much more traditional vid, originally... but I just wasn't feeling it. It looked like every other Charlie vid. My choice to put The Arcade Fire's Regine in there... I know it's one not everyone will love, but for me it helped say something bigger about Charlie and what she means to me and in the media universe.
If that means that Reflektor is my least favorite, I'll say that it's because I made it on iMovie before I got my new Macbook Pro, and Imovie is so hard to get precision on. I've made vids I'm happy with on imovie, but the patience it asks? Is not patience that I as the mother of a 6 month old felt I had :) I finally posted the vid so that I could move on. It has moments that I like, though, moments that really resonate for me regarding Cas and Dean's journey over all these years and what it means for Cas to ricochet between humanity and grace. It's certainly not my tightest or my best Supernatural vid or Cas character study, but I'm still glad I posted it rather than letting it disappear into the ether.
Things I learned this year: That it's okay to take some time off. That you can't create everything all the time. That distance makes you see things differently. That I miss vidding more regularly. That time isn't going to change the way I like to vid--I'm always going to gravitate to the weird and the odd choice, always going to feel like "yes, but what this vid needs is some obscure silent movie stuck in the middle of it." And that's okay! :D
Goals for next year: to complete more of the projects I start, especially two that I absolutely have in mind right now. To watch more vids. To listen to more music so I'll get more inspired. To let vids go more easily. To let myself play more.