Title: We're All Missing Mama
Description: "You know that place between sleep and awake, the place where you can still remember dreaming? That's where I'll always love you, Peter Pan. That's where I'll be waiting." - J.M. Barrie.
Visual Source: Peter Pan (1924)
Music: "The Police and the Private" by Metric.
Thank you and love to cathexys and rhiannonhero, as well as B & Miss P, who watched and gave feedback on many versions of this one. I loved showing this vid to Miss P at every step of the way. So this vid is dedicated to her.
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[Please leave a comment or PM if you'd like a DL copy; I have a beautiful quality but fairly large file that I'm happy to share for those who want it.]
Some random notes about this vid's making: The 1924 Peter Pan was the first full film that Miss P ever saw in the theater; this Spring, we went to a local town hall where it was screening with live music, popcorn, the whole deal. And she adored it. I knew halfway through that I would have to vid it. Plus this song was playing on repeat at my local coffee shop. So this vid is very much a product of its moment. And, hmm, no accident that I made this vid while pregnant. :D