Vid: All Things Go
Fandom: Supernatural
Music: Sufjan Steven's "Chicago"
Length: 6.24
Description: You came to take us/ To Recreate us/ I made a lot of mistakes/ In my mind. Regret is part of clarity and growth. Castiel had to learn human error to find god.
Download at Mediafire::
DivX: (122 MB);
Mp4: (167 MB) Acknowledgments: Many thanks to
outlawradio and
22by7 for audiencing. I consider myself very lucky to have your input.
Notes: Oh, this vid. It's actually hard to find words to talk about it. First thing I should say, I suppose, is that this is my favorite song--not just my favorite song of Sufjan's, but my favorite song period. That makes for an intimidating vidding process! But I tried to let go and really let my instincts reign, and not to lose the joy of the process of vidding. And in that, I succeeded. This was a much less painful, obsessive process than some of my previous vids.
But as for the content--I knew my first vid after the close of season five would have to take on the arc of Castiel's journey. I've found season five a frustrating one, because on the one hand we know that Castiel is on such an epic path--first to find god, then to become human and possibly reject god, all the while dealing with those damn Winchester brothers. But we don't really see it from his perspective; season 4 gave us much more of that. For the most part, we only access Castiel from the edges in season five, from other's perspectives. He bursts in broken and drunk, or angry and violent. So the goal of this vid really was to reorient, to see this journey from his perspective.
You can find the lyrics here at I always love reading through the discussions there as well.
This entry was originally posted at Comments welcome here or there.