So, as I am sure I mentioned, I helped out the amazingly talented and super nice
jarrow with a workshop on aspect ratio at Vividcon.
He created a truly priceless slideshow overviewing the underlying concepts behind and challenges of aspect ratio (and aspect ratio is one of those mysteries in life that just seems to get more complicated the more you look into it, like an un-ending chain of reflecting mirrors). You can DL his uber-helpful slideshow
here My contribution was a more pragmatic powerpoint, because my understanding of aspect ratio is still taking shape (though it certainly got quite a bit more solid through the process of making this ppt and participating in this panel!) But what I wanted to share was my workflow, which hopefully can serve as a bit of a tutorial for mac folks. I think of this as a work in progress resource, and I would love to add to it based on the insights of anyone who stumbles across it and has suggestions, questions, adjustments, etc.
DL the Mac Aspect Ratio slide show as a pdf by right clicking
here And please, do comment or email with any questions, suggestions, and the like!
This entry was originally posted at Comments welcome here or there.