What Classic Movie Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com well this really describes my mood as of late.... kinda makes me happy. it's nice to know that i can be helpful. man i can not wait to go Christmas shopping today! i love buying gifts for people! it's fun i mean i hate to actual going to the store and dealing with all the other assholes there to buy gifts cause most of the time they're rude as hell!!! the holidays tend to get everyone's panties in a twist!
well there was a little snow on the ground today so that means that Heff is in little kid mode. which i find so hilarious to see someone of his size acting like a two year old. it cracks me up. anyway, last night was fun we went to Bear's and i had a quesadilla, which i am completely addicted to! then we went to Sunday Bar and i was glad to get out and be social, i mean i hardly have gone out that much in the last couple of weeks. well that is about it as far as my fun and exciting life!