May 08, 2011 00:02


TL;DR this and I will find you and send the nasty Canadian weather after you.

Picking Up New Characters: Summer time is here, and we know that people will be applying for that second or third character that they've been eyeing. We want to caution you by saying that if you do pick up that character, we want to see continued activity even after summer is over. That is, we don't want people to pick up a character, have them for the summer, then drop them come school time. Please consider before picking up an additional character.

Revamp: Recently we've noticed - especially from those muns that have been here a while - that there is a trend of rewriting parts (large or small) of one's character(s). Now, we by no means discourage this (unless you're constantly rewriting to the point of ridiculousness), but we believe that due to this widespread revamping there has been some confusion about the changes concerning each character. So, we would like to take this opportunity to let you all rehaul your characters if you so choose. However, in turn, we believe in order to prevent any confusion that may arise from these changes that a post is in order. This post will require you to list any major changes you've made to your character - such as: added/deleted/retconned character relations, changed occupations, important alterations in personal history and so on.
Adverts: We're also asking you muns to start advertising a bit. If you know friends that are interested in Hetalia/Role-Play, we're just asking you to maybe mention LOL to them (if you already haven't). We're looking for a lot of new muns this summer and you're more than welcome to advertise anywhere else you happen to hang around. If you ever need the advertising template, one of the mods will be more than happy to share it.

Grace Period: It should also be noted that as of now, we’re going to be implementing a sort of grace period when it comes to placing a hold. Or rather, there have been a few instances where a mun almost immediately places a hold on a recently dropped character. While we’re happy to see people enthusiastic about potentially trying their hand on a different character, we’d rather current muns wait a minimum of a week before placing a hold on a character that has been recently dropped.This, of course, only applies for people already a part of LOL and not for new appers. But by having this grace period implemented, we’re hoping to create a bigger potential for bringing in new blood, as some could-be-appers may feel deterred by a pre-existing hold on a character they may have had their eye on, even with our challenge system.

Also, while we’re on the topic of holds, we’d like to remind people to make sure to pass TWO activity checks before placing a hold on a new character. This basically requires meeting the requirements with complete threads rather than responding to the activity check posts with incomplete threads. It’ll be a great help in determining if a mun is able to handle having multiple characters.

Modly Contact Post: Sometimes (rarely) the mods are just not online, or you want to say something/report something but just don't wanna talk to us directly. We've introduced the Mod Contact Post. All comments left here are screened to that only we can see them, so if there's something wrong or we're just not around, feel free to leave us a comment on there and we'll look it over ASAP!

The Group Chat: While we really can't tell people what to talk about on here, we've gotten a few comments on how it's become a little exclusive. The same muns are talking and other muns are having some troubles joining in. While the group chat is great for those people using it, those who enter tend to be shunted aside, not on purpose of course, but it sometimes just happens. We ask that people try and use this more, and those using it to try and be a bit more inviting.

If any new muns want to join, leave your AIM in the comments below and one of the mods will be sure to add you.

Wikia: I'm actually surprise with the activity that still happens on this thing, but I thought I'd post a little reminder. LOLocracy actually has a Wikia. It's located here and there's a quite of bit of information there. I try and add a page every time a new mun joins, but if you can't find a page for your character, please talk to BRODIE (waitforsuperman4/THE CANADIAN AMERICA). I can also help you guys out with templates and formatting and the such so any questions about the wikia, just chat me up.

Newbie Guide: Another small side project that's going is a Newbie Guide. When people first join the comm, most of them haven't ever done LJ Roleplaying before and LOL itself has developed it's own kind of language/standards which I know from personal experience is really very intimidating. If there's anything you think needs to be on this guide, just suggest below on the comments~

Events: It's a poll. I'm sure you know how to operate it. These events won't be happening until early Jun when everyone is finally settled into the summer, but we'd like to know what people are interested in.

Note: By "nations" we mean a universe where everyone's character is suddenly reverted to their canon counterparts.

important, be nice children, !mod: updates, don't tl;dr this, community bonding time, tl;dr this and die, !info: announcements, group chats, news news news~, !ze mods, you better click on this, !mod: activity check

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