Mar 16, 2011 20:38
Is distinctly what Kuro is not at the moment. Since around November I've been pretty failtastic at keeping up with threads and what not so consider this a cry for help. I'm still on a quasi-hiatus but I want to start putting in an honest effort to interact with you guys and your characters.
If you want to continue a thread from the love meme for Raivis, John, or Mihailo let me know here.
If you want to continue an older thread, please let me know here as well.
ANY AND ALL THREAD PLANS MADE ON THIS POST WILL BE DONE AND FOLLOWED TO COMPLETION. To give this aimless mun no excuses and a bit of a direction, I'll try to tackle threads in order of their suggestion. So if you've wanted to do something with Raivis, John, Mihailo or Atthis or have had plans in the past that I haven't followed through with, let me know now and we'll finally get them rolling.
Thank you for being so patient with me, guys. ILU ALL GDI.
your country needs you!,