The last few weeks of student-life par excellence. The last exams, labs, protocols, even more exams, presentations...
I feel so exhausted as I never felt. No time for nothing, even my imagination is a bit dead, too tired to work for free.
The last exams went quite well (except that one, which was so special), I'm not afraid of presentations anymore and writing protocols is even haunting me in my dreams. Still - there is a silver lining on the horizon. In May I'll start with my thesis and then everything will be shiny ("Firefly" anyone?). May be I will even pursue a hobby or two. Like sleeping or reading something aside from technical literature. Or just living a bit.
It is not as bad as it may sound, though. I'm just a bit tired. And impatient. On edge.
P.S.: Come to think of it I am a bit of a liar. I still find time to try the good old sierra games. I was never into computer games, always found them a bit boring, but Space Quest is special ♥ (at least when you are too lazy to play serious and just want to have some fun with all kind of "funny deaths". Just quoting the game makers here.)
One more (the last one I promise) which describes my current mind set the best:
In May there will be more usual entries. Without silly games or grumbling. At least not that much :)