So far each one of my obsessions had influenced my lifestyle in a positive manner. While my active Weiß Kreuz time I've started with kick-boxing, wearing formal suits and cutting my hair shot (thank you, Mr. Crawford). After Saiyuki I war pretty good at karate and Buddhist philosophy. Sherlock had intensified my affection for Chemistry and made me attend some of the voluntary criminology history lectures, oh, and I've finally learned to handle a gun properly.
But I guess my parents, friends and casual acquaintances who might happen to visit me at home are most gratified for my newest interest in Jeeves & Wooster. Being paragon among paragons, the brainiest and most resourceful chap on the earth, as well a damn control-freak and manipulative bastard, Jeeves is also The Master of Organization and Tidiness. Always cleaning and polishing and cooking and plotting the life of his young master for the next dozens years. I mean, yes, I came to almost enjoy the obligatory cleaning up my flat after the long period of neglecting the duty because... university. "Almost" enjoying. But I'd say, that in comparison with "pure hate" it really is an improvement. I shall wait for the Jeevesness to settle in a bit more ... and then maybe some day I'll even start to iron my clothes instead of pretending that the wrinkles are intended. And then there won't be any more fishing my long missed shirts from underneaths the bed....
(Oh, yes, Jeeves' encyclopedic fish-fed brains, the knowledge of the human psychology and flawless fashion taste would be welcome as well. But one have to start small, eh?)
Except, I might burst into flames before achieving this goal. A few months earlier I had accidentally burnt the spectra from my analysis and just a few minutes earlier I somehow set my right sleeve on fire. It was only the strange smell that alarmed me while the fabric was already burning... You see, it's a bit cold at home, the heater is not its best and so I currently have three candles burning at my desk (I'm such a mimosa sometimes and just hate freezing). And somehow... well, the jumper is gone now that's for sure. Clumsy me.
I better call it a day.