So I've got my 10-20 page Fiction final done. Have finished my Drawing portfolio. Am studying for Women's Studies (er well that AND posting here...yeah...). And have written my Literature & Culture paper but just need to edit it.
But is that fun? The answer, unless you are an insane person on wrong-pills, is NO. So I have compiled a list of things more fun than finals.
- Gouging out your eyes
- Inhaling gasoline that has salt in it
- Fucking a guitar
- Sewing clothing for ants
- Playing the Sims intently for hours, making sure everything is perfect, then being tied down as your friend turns on "Free Will"
- Getting skinned alive then eaten by pygmies
- Chewing your own boobs off
- Getting hit by a motorcycle ridden by Pennywise the Clown
- Putting a pineapple up your ass
- Imagining Quentin Tarantino, Steve Buscemi, and Alan Rickman fucking your grandmother.
Yay. I'm going to Newbury Comics today to get 2 of the 3 people I buy presents for gifts. I hope one of them gets me the Inglourious Basterds screenplay he has that I covet like a mad, coveting thing.