It’s almost exactly two years since I got back from a year in Vietnam, and now I’m off again. Just for six months this time, to Italy -- more specifically the capital of Sardinia, Cagliari. It looks beautiful, full of history, and there’s a beach. Plus Italian seems like it will be much easier than Vietnamese was :) So yeah, should be fun! And I’ll be back at the end of June, so I won’t miss Pride events, or the hen nights gearing up for my besties’ wedding!
Plus it’s well-paid for an Italian TEFL job and I MIGHT get training to be a Cambridge oral examiner.
I had Fake Christmas with some dear friends last night -- presents, yummy food and Anastasia -- and I was all OMG WHY when telling them. BUT I’m definitely excited overall :D And haha, I’ll be out of here in very early January to a Mediterranean island!
Help me come up with a tag for Italian travels, guys. I loved "Gon girl" for Vietnam posts but for obvious reasons it doesn't really work here :) ALTHOUGH I HAVE CHOSEN A NEW TEACHING TAG BECAUSE IT'S PARTICULARLY PERFECT RIGHT NOW.
This was originally posted at Comment wherever you like :)