Less Glee, more Mild Amusement

Sep 12, 2013 20:34

So I promised
dora_the_nymph I'd watch the first season of Glee if she would do this super-rush beta job on a fic in desperate need. I have managed to watch the first 8 episodes today, which is a fucking achievement considering my usual relationship with telly. It is... okay. I wasn't expecting it to be so sitcomy. There are some epic plotholes - and I never even notice plotholes. The whole "you're all minorities because you're all members of Glee" thing was a huge fail. But, you know, lots of singing and dancing, and I fucking love musicals and dance films. I feel absolutely nothing fannish so far. But
dora_the_nymph is one of my best friends and generally a woman of impeccable taste. So I am going to cross my fingers and hope.

I mean, it's a generally pleasant way to spend one's time. You know, if you happen to be hiding from life for whatever reason. I'm just not... feeling it.

Also a lot of the social cues just don't land for me. Like, everyone is incredibly wholesome. People actually go to a celibacy club - it exists! Cool people go to it! And the sporty kids are cool whereas the musical kids are super-not. I mean, at my school, the sporty kids were cooler but being on a school team wasn't really, and we don't have anything like glee clubs really but music and dancing was always much cooler than sport. But I'm always like that with American TV really. Everyone seems very wholesome and like, the kids who would've been cool at my school are losers. I don't know it reflects real life as it is or was, but seriously, Bender would've been a million times cooler than Andrew. Also I don't know where Ohio is or what it means to be from there or what the hell a Lima Loser is and I generally spend a lot of time in a haze of confusion. American culture is fucking pervasive but I seem to have missed out on half this stuff. It's kind of cool I suppose, indicates maybe some real-life local colour, but SO CONFUSED. It doesn't help I can never remember Rachel's meant to be uncool and apparently unattractive????? because WHAT.

The gender/sexuality conflation is going to start annoying me soon. I've known a few gay men who experienced their gender and sexuality as very intertwined and I have no problem with that but. Right now we have abusive teacher and camp teenager who is very aggressively written as "one of the girls" and this is the kind of shit that had my sister telling me I was bi because I was born with too much testosterone.

I want Mike to dance more!

Comment with a fandom/pairing/character/trope/website/foodstuff/politician/whatever, and I will reply in gif form with my opinion.

Fandoms: Harry Potter, BtVS, Avengers, Angel, Black Butler, Dark Angel, White Collar, Legend of Korra, Number 6, The West Wing, Being Human, Misfits, Doctor Who, Sherlock. You can ask about other stuff if you like.

This was originally posted at http://lokifan.dreamwidth.org/269034.html. Comment wherever you like :)

glee, memes

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