The icon combines smut with things that make me happy, you see?

Jul 28, 2010 17:39

Seconding opened at the Smutastic Awards last Thursday. The mods there are running a little competition to get seconding going: basically seconding, pimping, and especially pimping with banners gets you points. If you get the most points, you can either write a drabble and have it posted at the comm so the world will see how awesome you are, or prompt a mod and get awesome hotness written for you. Everybody wins! Except the people who lose.

Bringing you the hottest Harry Potter smut since 2008!
The Seconding Phase is now happening at smutasticawards!
Second NOW and make sure your favorites move forward!
Click on the banner to be taken to the seconding post.

Only the top five stories from each category make it to the final voting round, so please go and second stories! You can second as many stories as you like from each category. So if you are a Hufflepuff - or just impressed with the awesomeness of the fic - GO CRAZY! Second everything! Including, preferably:

Walk All Over You in the Best Oneshot category.

Worthy in the Best PWP category.

Tangible Benefits in the Best Femmeslash category.

You’ll make me so happy. :)

Of course, I am already a happy bunny! Because on Monday I saw lots of lovely fandom people and lizardspots drew a nekkid Neal Caffrey in my notebook before the page was stolen by a DASTARDLY PIRATE. Luckily the Dastardly Pirate also brought amazing and enormous cupcakes and bought a round of drinks. We love her.

And we saw Potted Panto, which was done by the Potted Potter guys and therefore hilarious. The look on Dan’s face when he saw us all sitting in a row... ahahaha. WE WILL FOLLOW YOU TO THE ENDS OF THE POTTED EARTH!

And then today I hung out and had a massive lunch with the hilarious lilith1631. *smiles at the world* Tomorrow I go out in search of a job. Again. Wish me luck!

promo, rl, awards, happy

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