Merlin 206: The Beauty and the Beast (Part Two)

Jul 27, 2010 17:42

This is actually the first Merlin episode I saw, and the only I’ve seen pre-liveblogging it. I watched it with a bunch of fans last Hallowe’en, and the whole experience was awesome.

Watching it this time can in no way be as awesome, but I think I’ll have fun. :)

Y’know much as it’s all angsty music because Merlin’s been set up and Arthur doesn’t believe him - I actually think it’s a much better proof of their bond this way. Arthur neither knows nor cares if Merlin is guilty or if his stepmother’s a troll: he’s just focused on getting Merlin out alive. ♥

Poor Arthur. :(

Interesting definition of ‘being careful’ you’ve got there Merlin. I personally would not consider ‘following barely a corridor behind the Queen who wants your head on a pike, while you’re on the run’ to be careful. I suppose that’s why I’m not the star of a BBC children’s programme.

...Which this clearly is. Oh God. SO SO DISGUSTING I CANNOT WATCH.

Oh look, Merlin’s peeking through a vent-thingy at Katrina and Jonas. What would Merlin’s protagonists and plotters do without these conveniences?

Merlin’s doing a lot of sneaking into people’s bedrooms lately. Unfortunately Jonas is much less attractive than shirtless!Arthur.

KATRINA: I thought you were hard, Uther!
UTHER: Oh, I am.
KATRINA: But I’m afraid Arthur is soft!
UTHER: Look, you’re the one who wanted the manservant sent away -

MERLIN: *licks*
MERLIN: I can’t even believe you let me put that in my mouth!

And a thousand gif and vid makers swoon with delight. :)

Oh Arthur. The whole thing is clearly breaking his heart. Having a son defy his father but still adore him is so much more satisfying than I HATE YOU AND YOU’RE EVIL!

LOL. Katrina makes me happy in a weird way. Sarah Parish is awesome.

I am not even going to touch the subtext of the accent-change between Troll!Katrina and Queen!Katrina. Seriously, BBC, the voice already gets deeper when she’s her true, nasty self. Does the accent have to shift from cut-glass to working-class as well?

I totally perked up to see Guinevere, much like Arthur. MOAR GWEN AND MORGANA!

Oh God, Arthur. When Uther told him his decision was final he looked like he couldn’t breathe. :( I remember a chorus of shocked noises when “you are to be disinherited” rang out at Hallowe’en.

NO NO NO THIS IS ALL WRONG. Katrina isn’t ‘rightful heir’! Arthur is rightwise King, born of all England, remember? (NB: having pulled out my copy of The Once and Future King to check the wording, I shall not be available for comment for at least two days. T H White is calling.)

Those were seriously the greatest reaction shots in the world!

LOL TROLLSEX. That was amazing. I remember watching it the first time and being like ‘any second now, they’ll cut and leave it to our imaginations. No... no... still no... and now he’s on top of her in bed. Okay! CUT NOW PLEASE.’

“You are aware that your wife is a troll?” *dies*

LOL. The look on Arthur’s face when he finds Merlin under the bed... “Have you been there the whole time? Did you HEAR ME WANKING? Because when I said ‘Merlin’, I meant, um. Irwin?”

Aww, Uther.

Such an awesome episode. Seriously, this was made of win. Especially the reconciliation Uther/Arthur scene, and Merlin and Arthur not-hugging. WITH MERLIN LOOKING ALL SMILEY AND WISTFUL AFTERWARDS.

Mmm, delicious fanservice.

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