Feb 26, 2012 21:38
Today's Rule: Players are there to win, they should be able to win. As a GM, it will bother you that players have it too easy. Stop right there and ask if that is a problem. The problem would be boredom because it's all too easy and repetitive. Are the players bored? Remember, curb stomping goons give players a sense of power and that can be fun. A good game should give you enough information to make the right choices and win the battles or avoid those you can't win or it is just a game of chance not thought. "Tough luck" is not enjoyable to hear so don't make it habit to say. Likely the players feel it was a lot closer than you did because they never see the monster's stats. And if players do get cocky, there are always more powerful adversaries. Players hoist on their own petard is interesting. Killing players out of spite isn't. Let them win, everyone will be happier.
Also, if you don't, you might just find the game's arms ripped off.
better rpgs,
gm advice