When We Were Young

Jan 13, 2013 16:27

When I was younger the priests would try to scare us with vagueness, like "If you masturbate too much you'll start to like it better than sex." As if that would make painfully shy virgins want to have less orgasms.

What they should have said was, "Masturbating is, you know, okay. But you know what's great? Kissing someone, and having that person kiss you back. And THEN realizing at that moment that you love each other. Trust me. That will blow your mind. It'll make everything so clear. Orgasms are easy. Love...is happiness. The older and smarter you get, the harder it will be to find real happiness. So start aiming for that now. Anyway, if you miss, you might still hit orgasms."

It might not have stopped teenage me, or any of my friends, male or female, from masturbating just too much. But, it would have prepared us better for the world.

Of course you can't expect that much wisdom from priests. :)

So I guess my real point is --- we need to support better sex education for kids? I don't know. Maybe I'll start a video blog with testimonials from real people about practical advice on the subject.

Yeah. I'll do that.

about me, sex, writing, ideas

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