Where's my flak jacket?

May 02, 2014 10:32

Right, so, it's May.  And I was excited for April because March is so long and was stressful and dreary except for the one week I was in Florida, but April was also stressful and dreary and exciting and weird and exhausting, and if May is the same I'm going to spend all of June with a blanket over my head.  Good things happened in April - I submitted for a writing fellowship, I survived school vacation week at the museum, the bird show closed, I got to read a bunch of stuff off my to-read shelf.  But I also got a short story rejection (expected, but still a bummer), I worked a huge amount of overtime, I got spring flu, my aunt died.

So roller-coaster-y, to say the least.  Saw a lot of extended family, that was nice, but it was in the hospital and at the funeral, so not for good reasons.  You get the idea.

And today I'm having one of those pre-headachy days where the sound of my keyboard makes my ears feel like they're being stabbed with knitting needles.  So I'm wearing headphones and practicing yoga breathing and trying to focus on how much fun I usually have at the poetry festival, which is this weekend.  I have fairly new staff helping me out with the art activities, which is a tad concerning, but I think it will all go smoothly.  And hopefully I'll have time to duck into a reading or two as well.

And meanwhile, at least it's stopped raining?

real life

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