Starting my Stargate Rewatch

May 04, 2013 20:54

...with the original movie, which oh my god, I have not watched in *FOREVER.* I just got to the 'tastes like chicken' scene and I had forgotten how ridiculous this and marvelous this whole movie is. (Also, as I type this, Daniel just accidentally got married. Heee.)

So, first half of the movie thoughts before I fall asleep, because the poetry fest really took it out of me today:

1) it really is Jack and Daniel's story from the very beginning, isn't it? Jack gives West the nod to show Daniel the Stargate (and Daniel figures out the gate without even *seeing* it, wtf?) Also, Jack calls Daniel on his bullshit in pretty much their first ever actual direct conversation.

2) Jack's team of military types have more personality than I remembered.

3) "I smell like a yak." "Nice tent. Oh, everybody gets a tent, that's nice." "I've got everything in here *but* sunblock. Foot powder? Blanket? Don't need that" *toss* Daniel's running commentary is priceless, in other words.

4) baby James Spader, whooo.

5) Shau'ri writing in the sand. Gets me every time. She is so brave.

Jack is about to give Skaara his lighter, so I'm going to watch through that scene and then give in to my exhaustion. :)

In other news, the MA Poetry Festival is going really well, and I've heard some great readings, and thought a lot about my own writing, and gotten to have some fun conversations with poets, readers, and volunteers alike. And I get to get up and do it all again tomorrow.

poetry, rewatch, stargate

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