Hello again.

May 10, 2015 15:30

I haven't been around, not many of the people on my flist have been around, but I have a good reason to explain why I haven't been around to post.

I went back to school... I graduated!!!  Well, it's an associate degree of science in General Studies with a concentration in Science and Math, which employment wise is kinda worthless, but still!  I accomplished something!

I quit school in the late 90's and thought I'd take a year or two off.  I didn't like it, I didn't want to be there, I didn't know what I was doing, and I was failing miserably.  I didn't go back until 2013.

I decided to go the community college (yeah, yeah, insert your jokes here) instead of going back to the university where I had a GPA of about 1.7.  I think it was the best decision I ever made.  I changed my major from one I felt pushed into, that people thought I'd be good at, to one that I love.  I have a LONG path ahead of me, but I'm excited.  Community colleges get a lot of crap, but I've really been happy to go there.  There are some horrible professors (Spanish 2 lady who referred to me as "next one" until week 10 of a 16 week semester and can't teach for shit) but there are some awesome, very passionate professors (my science professors!  most of my computer professors).

I'm sad my first year of Bio classes are over.  My professor was great.  I wish I had just a fraction of the excitement she has for something like salamander eggs for anything in my life.  She was one of the best teachers I've ever had.  I thoroughly enjoyed my acid and seed germination project and presenting it to the class.  She's that good.

I still have a few more classes to pick up at the community college this fall, though.  I had enough to graduate and if I go the school I want to, then I wouldn't have been able to participate in the next ceremony.  So I applied to graduate so I could walk Friday.  This fall I have to take (hopefully) General Chemistry 2, Environmental Science, Statistics, and Spanish 3.

And then... I hope to move to a different city and attend a different University.  To get my bachelor's degree in biology, likely with a concentration in ecology/environmental science.  I apply this weekend and will find out by June if I am moving to go there in January.  Wish me luck that I can get enough financial aid to afford it, and manage to not go into crippling debt to do so!  Especially since I have to then get my Masters degree after that.

rl, school, rambling

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