
Nov 06, 2012 09:24

So it's *finally* election day in the US.

If you're registered to vote, make sure you do so.

As a woman, I feel it's especially important, seeing as we've had the right to vote in this country for less than a hundred years.  Thank you, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and all the other awesome suffragettes.

After today, I will be able again to watch Jenna Marbles videos youtube without first having to hear about "Hoosier Values" and how wholesome the candidates chosen by whatever committee made the ad are.  You know, before I watch a video by a loud foul mouthed go go dancer. ;)

And since I voted early, I am now going to collapse in a drug induced sleep, and hope I don't get in trouble for calling in.  Headache of doom.  Fucking throbbing, nauseating, light and sound sensitive pain fest.
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