Oh, shipping...

Oct 01, 2011 13:45

I usually am only super into one fandom at a time, but I usually dabble in others.  Flashpoint is the first show to really grab me in a while, and i'm pretty well into that, but lately I've also been checking out fanfic from other fandoms... and sometimes, the pairings?  Really stump me.

I try to not be harsh or anything, I've been in fandoms where one 'ship despised another, and it's so ridiculous.  Plus, you don't want someone making fun of your pairing you like, so I try to be fair.  It's a tv show.

When I was into Buffy, I was a Buffy/Giles shipper.  I was also getting into CSI and was a Grissom/Sara shipper, or GSR (Grissom Sara Romance).  I introduced a fellow B/G to CSI, only she became a Grissom/Catherine shipper.  At first, we could talk about the show and still be friendly, and I'd sometimes mention on the mailing lists (this was awile ago ;) ) our conversations, and there was this sort of disbelief that I could be friendly with a Grissom/Cath shipper.  We eventually stopped talking, and i think it was due to the ship difference.  It's insane how into them people get.

Sometimes people see different things, and that's okay.  But still, i can't help but wonder at some of the pairings.  I've been flirting with reading Veronica Mars fic, so as my first step I usually go to ff.net and then do websearches from there.  But.... Veronica/Sheriff Lamb?  Really?  This is a thing?  And while I like Logan, and sometimes liked Veronica and Logan, I'm not seeing OTP!OMG! there.

And really, Veronica/Lamb???? 

buffytvs, fanfiction, veronica mars, csi

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