Thoughts on Jo/Luke/Andy/Sam from Rookie Blue

Sep 30, 2011 17:45

I've been hitting up the Hulu a lot this week... I really need to go back to work.  Seriously.  I go back tomorrow night.  This vacation hasn't been horrible, but with no money, I've been limited on things to do.  I keep thinking at some point as things get paid off I'll have more money, but... ugh.

Anyway, I've been watching the Rookie Blue... and I'm upset that season 1 is no longer available.  :(  But I've been watching season 2 and I think I have an unpopular fan opinion... I don't hate Jo.  I really don't.  What she did wasn't right, but she wasn't the only one in that hotel room, you know?  And she still loved him and he wasn't married yet, so if you're gonna make a move for an ex, it should at least be before they get married, right?  It's not like Luke was completely shutting her down, either.  If he didn't still feel anything or want anything from Jo, he should have kept it strictly professional, and he didn't.

Plus, I think, after watching all the Jo eps the past few days I think she got fairly tunnel visioned on Luke.  That fantasy that a lot of people get that once we're together everything will be okay because we're in LOVE.   She wasn't thinking of the repercussions of what she was doing until after she slept with Luke.  Part of her not wanting to tell Andy what happened was not wanting to "get in trouble", but also, i do think, once faced with a hurt Andy, she felt bad.  And the fighting/bickering/whatever between Andy and Jo later?  Well... I do think Andy was pretty justified in her anger, i don't blame Jo for not just taking it without sticking up for herself.

And Jo and Luke fighting over her not believing in him with the Zoe Martinelli case?  I side with Jo, because she was doing her job.  Starting over because you don't want tunnel vision on a case is not a bad move.  Just because Luke was right it doesn't mean she was wrong to start over on a case just assigned to her.  She never said he was wrong, but she wanted to be sure, too, not just take his word for it.

Also, i have very little patience for the woe is me pity party, especially with lots of drinking, and especially when you're pretty clearly in the wrong and moping because the girl you cheated on isn't welcoming you back with open arms.   I'm not above self-medicating, but I don't think the #1 way to win back a girl with an alcoholic father is by drinking at noon at the Black Penny.

All this talk about how Luke is supposedly the safe guy, and Sam's the dangerous one?  I really think Sam's the safer bet.  I think Luke's got a lot more issues, he just hides them better.  Sam is really... pretty upfront about most things.  I don't see Sam as one to play games, and Luke kinda does, I think.   I think Luke definitely has more of a facade, don't you think?  Sam is just... Sam.

rookie blue

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