Let me tell you about Catfish and Wine

Sep 25, 2004 12:22

Ok, so my friends and I went out to dinner last night to a catfish joint. Supposedly I was also being introduced to this guy, in a casual
setting mind you - "wink, wink, nug, nug". So here is how the evening went down.

1. Load the wine into a brown bag (only three bottles). Head to Taylor Grocery to meet everyone. Note to mothers: I wasn't driving becasue
this was my venting period so I knew I wasn't going to be behind a wheel.

2. Arrived at the restaurant. Checkout the guy. Ummm not so bad. He's a third year law student. There's some posiblities. Order the food, what else but catfish.

3. The wine is purred and everyone starts relaxing. Fun stuff, lots of conversations. Lawer-wannabe starts throwing paper wads. It's cool,
we're laughing. We're all adults having fun and talking about travels. Lawer guy has been practically around the world (starting to get a
little jealous). I'm talking about being broke. We all discuss our shady jobs and laugh at the fact that we're young adults and supposed
to be successful - not so, we're still broke.

4. I start noticing that everyone is drinking less and letting me drink more. They're saying they like me a tittle tipsy because I'm
jolly and start getting fisty. Note to self (and everyone else):when people stop drinking and encouraging you to keep going, STOP
drinking. It's no fun being the only one drinking.

5. The Food is served and we go at it. I'm in catfish heaven. I had not had catfish in ages. So I'm having fun and loving the food. Everyone is talking loud and generally all happy. Second Note to Self: Do not drink wine with fried food when you haven't
had any fried food for over a year. So much for healthy eating.

6. And here is were all you guys out there need to pay attention. If you agreed to go to dinner and meet with a potential match, please do
not throw a paper wad down the girl's shirt during dinner. Lawyer guy-strike three, you're out!!!

7. So the guys are a little uncomfortble now and want to go home. I guess the girls were just too much for them to handle. Too bad. So, we
had one more bottle of wine left... what to do with it???!!!!

8. Seeing as I'm only 5 feet tall, I guess I should mention that I don't hold a lot of liquor and as I was saying above, I was being
encouraged to drink more. Let's just say... thank goodness I din't wake up with a hangover. I would have been quite pissed off. However, there is a huge chunk missing from this story and I don't think I would reveal it at this time since I'm pretty sure that some people would be quite disappointed in me if they were to read it. Don't worry, no illegal activities were performed just high levels of stupidity. But
hey, I had fun. Note to self: Wait at least four months before drinking anything with an alcohol level higher than 3%.

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