My first Entry.

Sep 24, 2004 16:26

Hello to anyone who may come across this entry. Why in the world did i sign up for a blog? My answer is: why not. If celebs can have blogs to communicate with their fans, why can't I have one to communicate with my fans (read:family and friends). Ordinary people have fans too (note to future stalkers: please don't take this to heart).
Either way. I am new to the world of cyberspace communication. Don't get me wrong I was raised in the Digital era so I've used computers plenty, but never for such indulgance as posting on message boards and actually surfing for everything and nothing at all at the same time. Well, here is what I found. There are actually nice fun people out there behind computer screens. It's not at all like your mother or the guy from America's Most Wanted said it would be. Now, kids, I'm not saying you should trust everyone you meet on line (so parents, don't sue me or send the cops to me). What I found is that there are lots of people who form their own little communities regarding subjects of interests (but if you're reading this then you probably already know that).
I haven't decided yet how much I will be revealing about myself in this blog so if you have any questions and want my opinion (because we all know everyone has their opinions) just reply and we'll get things started.
I think I finally realized what the difference between a blog and a message board really is: I'M IN CONTROL OF THE TOPIC. MUUUAAAHHHHHH. Note to self: do not go on ego trips while trying to appeal to new readers.
That's it for now. Can't wait to hear the comments. Now I have to go because I promised some friends catfish and free wine. It's Friday.
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