Revisionist History

Nov 29, 2006 06:23

I just went through a three day process of making my journal primarily public again. There are several friends and private entries spotted through there, but it's mostly public.

In doing so, I basically reread what I wrote about my life over the past three years. There were a lot of good times, too many mopey and whiney times, and some simply inspired writing by myself sometimes. I figured out that there's at least one person I was apathetic (if not openly hostile) towards for a while who I'm good friends with now. There's at least one person that, reading the collective comments they had to say, I have no idea why I'm friends with them. There's a least three people I miss and never see anymore. There's at least one person I miss and sometimes hear from. There are two people who surprise me with their general decency and goodness. (I'm sure those last two would be surprised to be described as such.)

Things I really liked, looking back:
* Travel
* Sushi
* Getting over shite
* Living with and working with Michael
* Hanging out with Liz
* books
* Harry Potter books
* recent Doctor Who conversation in my comments (largely thanks to Michael Hickerson; it was really a throwback to the old Yahoo days, man)
* People reaching out and caring; it happened more than I thought

I've also learned I don't want to read all of that again for a while; there was too much that I didn't want to see again, and too much which I saw was true.

I'll try to end this on a happier note.

I'm looking forward to RenFest, but tell me today if you're going and want us to buy tickets.

Now I'll leave and go do something. Like write my book, finish playing around with my game, savor a day, go to work, watch some movies, hang out with my great roommate I've been neglecting, contemplate the job, the family, the fucking big television, the washing machine, the car, the compact disc and electrical tin opener, good health, low cholesterol, dental insurance, mortgage, starter home, leisurewear, luggage, three-piece suite, DIY, game shows, junk food, children, walks in the park, nine to five, good at golf, washing the car, choice of sweaters, family Christmas, indexed pension, tax exemption, clearing the gutters, getting by, looking ahead, to the day you die. Rock on, chill out, Save the Empire. Everything is blue.

the me that you know is now made up of wires
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