TVD 4x07

Nov 29, 2012 21:19

Some thoughts as I watched. Lots of blood/sire bond rage, I apologize.

- Sigh...dress thing definitely indicating blood bond. I really hope that even if it is a blond/sire bond thing there's some other twist to it, because if it's just a blood bond thing to ruin any chance of real Damon/Elena, not only will I be pissed, but it seems SO predictable. Can Damon catch NO breaks??

- Blood bond or no, Caroline is being a complete BITCH. Damon is NEVER right? REALLY Caroline? Even given your past bad experience with Damon, and believing in Stefan/Elena’s truelove!, she is absolutely blind and crazy if she thinks Damon is never right.

- Hopefully there will be a way to break the blood bond like Tyler and Klaus’ sire bond. As I said a couple weeks ago, and even more so now, I’m really ticked that Elena’s feelings for Damon apparently didn’t become strong until after she turned - aka because of the blood bond. What about that heartbreaking decision? Or the passionate makeout session at the motel? Or the fact that Damon’s gotten under her skin? Not only does this bond ruin any romantic Damon/Elena moments now, it cheapens the trust, romantic feelings/moments, etc., of the past because that wasn’t REALLY Elena having feelings or growing close to Damon - that’s only happening now after she’s turned. Fricking ridiculous! Sure, completely rewrite history. Again, this show doesn’t even let it be a genuine triangle! I’m fairly certain we’ll have a Stelena endgame (as much as that pisses me off and is the completely WRONG match for Elena) but it would be nice if it Elena seemed torn at ALL. ( I would like to be proven wrong, of course).

- “It’ll make sense eventually.” So Klaus knows what’s going on with Elena? Interesting…

- “You mean the way to fix me.” YES. It’s not just about a blood bond, but because she doesn’t work with Stefan as well.

- Werewolf girl is working with Shane? Hm. Wonder what’s going on there…

- “Elena’s sired to Damon.” Wow, didn’t see that one coming! …said no one ever. And seriously, Damon only told her to kill Connor because she was leaving to do that anyway! And I seriously wanted to smack Caroline while she was blathering on about how wrong Damon was for Elena/how terrible he is, etc. Please, can someone (anybody!) speak some sense into her. I really miss Alaric - Damon literally has nobody on his side. They may not have always gotten along, but he wouldn’t let someone talk all that crap about Damon without at least saying SOMETHING (like, maybe how hypocritical Caroline is being, considering her developing relationship with Klaus. When all is said and done, I hope Elena gets to blast Caroline about Klaus for all the times Caroline’s given her hell about Damon. Damon used Caroline and murdered some people, as did Stefan, but he is not as twisted as Klaus by any means).

- I honestly don’t know how much more I can take of this. I’m not going to be petty and storm off if my ship doesn’t happen, but I feel like watching it live is just self-inflicted torture. It’d be much easier just to hear what happened after the fact. It probably doesn’t help that I’m not super invested in many of the other characters - Matt and Jeremy are pretty much the only other remaining characters that I can stand right now.


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