(no subject)

Jun 29, 2008 00:58

When you see this post, quote from Doctor Who on your LJ  (taken from Eyliena's journal)

"Everybody lives Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!" Tis from memory but that's the gist. From "The Doctor Dances" I think.

I have loads of favorites! 
 (yeah, i did copy and paste these  :-D

Rose sees the Doctor)
Dalek Sec: The female's heartbeat has increased!
Mickey: Yeah, tell me about it.

-a couple of good ones from S4-
General Staal: We have an intruder!
Doctor: How'd he get in? In-tru-da window?

Donna: No way! That's impossible!
The Doctor: Not impossible, just a bit unlikely!

Donna: This isn't my real body? .... But I've been dieting!

and they go on and on and on...

fun, dw

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