Jun 27, 2008 23:25
First off, extremely cool title. It’s not my favorite episode overall but it has a very ‘mysterious’ quality to it that I love.
That woman is driving me crazy! Who is she?? At first I was thinking Rose or his daughter but she said he hasn’t met her yet…Romana maybe? From next week’s previews it acts like who she is, is significant to the Doctor. The Romana thing makes sense as she would’ve never seen him in that body (and vice versa). IDK, it’s driving me nuts!! If it was Romana, ok, they have a past history but it would drive me batty if they were introducing some new character (especially of a romantic nature) before we even see Rose again (I think it would take some away from the ‘reveal.’
Ha, nice callback to New Earth and Smith & Jones. Hope Donna’s ok :-( From next week’s trailer looks like she’s up and around… I always have to lol at the dramatic ending of DW two-parters. They always end so unnaturally - usually with the Doctor frantically looking around.
I saw ‘Forest of the Dead’ tonight. Ok first off, it did hold its own as part two - I might’ve even liked it better.
The beginning of the episode (not the Donna part, after that) drove me NUTS with River Song. We GET that you are important to the Doctor. We GET that he doesn’t know you yet. I’m so sorry he doesn’t trust you yet but he just met you! She didn’t bother me as much in this episode as everyone around her - um, does nobody understand that concept of time travel?! Here’s how it works - someone might know (and trust!) you but as much as it hurts, the other person just might not know you yet! The writers just pushed a little too hard, imho, the importance and mysterious relationship with River. Ok, so I thought maybe it was Romana (or another time lady). Is she his wife? A mate (not in the friend sense)? Some random lover? The wife/time lady theories probably make the most sense.
Oh, another gripe about time travel. Donna, I love you, but the woman is from faaar in his future - unless YOU have suddenly become a time lady, why would you still be there? You have to die of old age sometime!
The plot overall was very cool. And creepy! I hope Donna finds her man - I wonder if that’s why she’ll leave the Doctor?
*sighs in annoyance* Sci-fi channel has decided to take yet another 2 week break (I’m assuming for the 4th of July so they can play their ridicules movies. Why can’t we celebrate holidays with new episodes of Doctor Who instead of their terrible movies??).
Edit: Um, I don't know why the rest of my cut text is missing. The first cut should say Click for more on Silence in the Library and the other cut should say Click for more on Forest of the Dead. Anyway...i'm too lazy right now but maybe i'll fix it later.