Well, the world is still here

Jan 23, 2017 21:21


I suppose that's an advantage on where we could have been, in that Trump hasn't done the "What happens if I do this?" bit with the nuclear button. Unsurprisingly, coverage of his inauguration has been, shall we say, less than adoring on this side of the Atlantic. It's not a case of his being popular with chunks of the working-class grassroots (in the way that Brexit has been) either: everyone thinks he's dreadful. They may not like Hillary Clinton much either, but given a forced choice here in the UK, I suspect it would be a Hillary landslide even now.

But that's gone. As with Brexit, the vote has happened and its result is not going to change. Short of impeachment, death or the like, Trump is US President for the next four years, whether we like it or not. I still hope he grows into the job, and stops his staff throwing childish tantrums as Mr Spicer did over the size of his crowd, but I'm not hopeful. I think the man in the White House is a nasty bully who is utterly unfit to preside over a great nation. If by 2020 I'm proved wrong, I'll be delighted. And astounded.

Well, that was optimistic, wasn't it? =:P But Twitter just doesn't give me enough space to rant properly!

us, politics, rants

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