Updatey stuff!

Jan 05, 2017 15:57


Note Christmassy userpic: it is not Twelfth Night yet! All those people who take down their festive avatars on Boxing Day are weird. So there. =:P

The death of Richard Adams was of course something that hit me hard over the break. I know he was 96, and that he hadn't been well for some time, but it was still a shock. I'll always treasure the letters we exchanged a few years ago, and I hope that the forthcoming BBC remake of Watership Down does Mr Adams's genius justice. Sainte atha ma u Hrair, kan zyhlante hray u vahra ma hyaones.

On a happier note, I had a fairly quiet but nevertheless pleasant Christmas with various branches of family. Many thank yous to everyone who sent a thought, word, tweet, email, letter, card, present or gigantic 500-kilo jar of Marmite. I think eliki may have been responsible for that one, given the tag attached to it saying "At last this is out of my town forever! Mwahahaha!"

Politics: I still don't know what to make of Donald Trump, beyond not liking him very much. (Ah, we English are masters of understatement...) Back on this side of the Atlantic, the forthcoming Copeland by-election will be a crucial test for Labour. There's simply no way they can lose a seat like that and ever get close to winning power nationally, but I suspect Labour will hold on. I'm not sure Jeremy Corbyn will, though, at least in the longer term: when Len McCluskey starts voicing doubts, you're in trouble. My view of him hasn't really changed: a generally decent man, but imagining he's going to win a GE is putting idealism ahead of realism.

Also, where is my snow? It's January! I do like the sunny, frosty days we've had a few of now, and they're certainly a vast improvement on last year's washout. But come on, even last year I got the odd sleet shower. This year there hasn't even been that! *Grump*

Nope, no pony stuff in this post. There's been plenty happening, and I expect I'll post some here once I've got back in the groove. Still, for now anyone interested should probably check out my State of the Unicorn post over on Louder Yay.

labour party, mlp, watership down, politics, family, weather, christmas

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