Who wants copies of L&M stories?

Nov 08, 2019 14:46

Hello All!

In light of YahooGroups removing some of its features and content, I'm working to save as many Logan/Marie fan fiction stories from the Dead Dolphin and Flogged Horse Yahoo Group (DDFH) as possible.  At least 100 stories were posted a day between 2001-2003, so it's a lot of work to get them all downloaded.  Thank you xbedhead for volunteering to help with the arduous task of copying/pasting all the fics with me.  If any other volunteers would like to help out, please let me know.

If anyone would like to have a copy of the stories I have downloaded so far, please post your email address in the comments section and I will send you what I have.  Hopefully we'll find a new way to host these gems soon.  :)

comm: announcement, comm: help, fic

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