Dec 15, 2008 23:18
frights of living in the middle of no where:
during our homemade version of Taboo, the lights nearly went off. What happened, was that the lights literally throbbed on and off for nearly 10 minutes, and in a way that was creepy....sort of like what you could imagine would happen when aliens attacked.
so the lights were a flicker and the graduate naturalists (naturalists who were here last year) informed us that this type of thing would happen, especially when it got this cold. the current temperature is still again -6 and i do not understand how the critters bare this weather. the wind chill is outrageous. So the lights kept throbbing until the generator kicked in. Currently, our heat is not on, it is circulating air, which is slightly unnerving. i have a thick fleece blanket over the window. The population in the town (nearly 700) is too small and literally everyone is inside using their heat and electricity, so that Eagle Bluff gets the remainder of it, which means black outs. Scary. It was rather intense. I hope to stay warm enough with my 6 blankets. it should drop another 6 or so degrees overnight....