Apr 19, 2006 16:55
I finally got to test drive a Dodge Caliber, the R/T Model, and I have to say that I love it even more. It feels like a huge SUV but in reality its not. Hell its only 4 inches taller than my car, looks can be deciving after all ;). I can't wait for the SRT-4 model to come out next spring. 300 horsepower with 260 pounds of torque making it capable to sprint from 0 to 60mph in less than 6 seconds. I'll be one happy dude :)
on the other hand, school is gonna get crazy as my spring break is over.
I have a chance of getting a 3.0gpa, but I have few too many boderlines of A's and B's and its driving me crazy, I WANT that 3.0gpa since my insurance will cut my rates down up to $500 that will certainly stop my parents' complaining and whining of my $1,000 plus insurance bill every 3 months! ACK!
So far, we are gonna be heading to destin florida the last 4 days of May, right before summer school starts for me. I hope I can afford it by then b/c that would be badass!!
Bourbon is gettin so big, he already know 2 tricks, SIT and JUMP(stand) WOOT
Um thats it?
Love ya'll
Ben W