I love having conversations with my mother and sister about entitlement at 1:30 some idle Thursday morning. I wish you all a joyous new year's, cos I'm pretty sure me and Mac will have a kick-ass time. My train is currently almost 3 hours late, but it should be pretty awesome once the voyage actually gets under way. I'm considering using the train for weekend trips during the summer, for me to go up there and for her to come down here. That is, if it's fun during the ride. I'll be back the 2nd, not that anyone reads this anymore, but just in case somebody somewhere misses me... doubtful. Call my cell if you just can't wait to talk to me. I love you.
In the year 2006 I resolve to:
Find out who I got that STD from.
Get your resolution here Find the first entry you wrote for each month of 2005, and post the date, time, title and first sentence.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand she's back!
Sunday, January 2nd, 2005; 8:05 PM
Caitlin is finally home from reunionizing!
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2005; 8:51 PM
one word to you crazy fools: NO.
What is love, anyways?
Sunday, March 6th, 2005; 2:03 AM
Love = 42 messages received from 11 people while being Away.
I'm Magically Delicious
Sunday, April 3rd, 2005; 10:50 PM
So I've realized that the words "I love you" have taken on a new meaning for me.
Another Day, Another Race
Sunday, May 1st, 2005; 12:01 AM
So I have fully decided that hott guys on other crews completely make up for the lack of decency in other guys.
Hell On Earth
Friday, June 3rd, 2005; 7:05 PM
Okay, so it's not bad enough that random members of my family are bitches.
Monday, July 4th, 2005; 12:17 AM
I want TiP.
Listen to my heart break
Monday, August 1st, 2005; 12:51 AM
It's August.
if you got the money, honey
Sunday, September 4th, 2005; 3:02 AM
So it's been a bit.
this place is always such a mess
Saturday, October 8th, 2005; 12:12 AM
I think I've made my current jeans invincible.
no posts cos i was grounded
if you need, you need me to be with you
Friday, December 23rd, 2005; 1:59 AM
Been a while, eh?
What was this year to you?: Heaven and Hell
Was is the best year of your life?: if i could edit out bits and add in others, then maybe yes
Do you just want to go back and relive it?: some of it, yeah. some of it, not if you paid me all the money in the world.
The first half of 2005 (until June):
How old were you?: 15
What school did you go to? stanton
What grade were you in?: 9th
Who was your favorite teacher and why?: mr. l'ecuyer for his amusement value
Favorite class?: gym or spanish or english
Would you want to relive that year?: lemme think about it no.
Friends: starting to grate on my nerves
Are you still friends with all of them?: partly
Do you still talk to them?: for the most part
Were they in any of your classes?: a few
Now are they in your classes?: almost none
Did any of them turn out to be completely different then you thought they would?: quite quite.
Love and Relationships
Did you fall out of love?: with myself
Do you know what love is?: what's love got to do with it?
Did you get really close to someone (romantically)?: sort of yeah.
Did you get really close to someone (as a brother/sister)?: not as many as i could wish
Did anyone you know die?: not in the first half.
Last half of 2005 (July - December):
How old are you?: currently 16
What school do you go to?: stanton
What grade are you in?: 10th
Who is your favorite teacher and why?: mrs. sacks or mrs arteaga for their likableness
Favorite class?: drama... or chemistry...
Do you want this year to end?: ASAP
Friends: getting closer to some, drifting away from others
Are your friends now different than the ones you had before?: mainly no, but some yes.
Are they in any of your classes?: only a couple, sadly.
Do you think you'll be friends with them forever?: at least a few.
Just 2005:
Did you go to any concerts? (which ones?): none that were good enough to stick in my memory
How many movies did you see? (in theaters)(what were they?): lots, with my sisters and other random folks
Did you play any instruments?: started learning guitar as of christmas
Do you think 2006 will be as good as 2005 was?: it had better be better.
Love and Crushes and the Pain of Living:
Did you trip while checking someone out?: haha, no
Were you late to any of your classes because you were staring at a guy/girl?: talking to? yes. staring at? no.
Did you cry in school in 2005?: the day they told us mrs. tall had died.
Did you see someone die?: i wasn't at the hospital, so no.
Did anyone backstab you?: not outrightly
Did you embarrass yourself?: multiple times
Did you do anything you're ashamed of?: quite a few
Would you change anything?: since i think life should be experienced as it is, no. if tha weren't true of me, then yes.
Did you stay overnight in a hospital (as a patient): no
Favorites of 2005:
Color: green or purple
Band: ummm... polyphonic spree if i had to choose
Movie: probably narnia
Song: joe d'urso & stone caravan's cover of badlands by bruce springsteen
Book: memoirs of a geisha (cant wait to see it!) or maybe siddhartha
Memory: the summer
Day: every day but the ones that sucked
Favorite Part of 2005: all my fun times, TiP in particular
Was this a great year for you?: not especially
Did you change?: i grew as a person
Do you want it back?: parts of it
How would you sum up this year?: it was 2005.
[2 0 0 5]
[P E O P L E]
1. Best friends? everyone i know
2. Best boyfriend/girlfriend? i still count myself as never having had a real boyfriend, so... (best almost-boyfriend = cameron)
3. Lost any friends? sadly, yes
4. Gained any friends? quite a few, and grown closer to existing friends
5. Met a new good friend? mmm... i'd have to say yes
[P L A C E S]
1. Went out of the country? sadly, no
2. Moved? nope
3. New school? same old same old
4. How many times on an airplane? none this year
5. Road trips? to TiP, and then to augusta
[Y O U]
1.Have you changed? to myself
2. New look? not especially, although apparently my sister says i'm dressing better
3. Any new addictions? photography got me over the summer
4. Biggest conflict this year? internal - the need for discipline. external - the lack of discipline
5. Most depressed time this year? the car ride to school withboth my parents screaming that i was my sister.
[L O V E]
1. Did you fall in love? perhaps moreso with myself
2. Did you get heartbroken? i dont think i'll ever let anyone break my heart
3. Who was your summer love? ...cameron
[S E A S O N S]
1. Favorite Season? this year? Summer.
2. Least favorite season? Holidays without snow.
3. Good birthday? i hope for better
4. Any snow this year? not for me, unless we finally just get in a car and drive.
5. Highest temperature? i think it was 107 one day...
[F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S]
Snuck out? many a time, but i dont go far...
Met a person who will change your life? my life has certainly been changed by people...
Kept your resolution? i dont think i had one last year...
Got arrested? not yet
Had a first kiss? a few...
Had a crush? haha... it'd be simpler to ask if i didn't.
Liked someone who didn't like you? not that i know of
Lost a family member? to death? no.
Got bad grades? my parents will tell you yes.
Got suspended? from school? no.
Moved states? nope
Got a myspace?
hahaLearned an instrument? still trying to learn the guitar i got for christmas
Started a band? no, but i'm promised to be the tambourine girl in a hippie band
Spent over 1 million dollars? haha.
Went streaking? not yet
Done something you shouldn't have? wouldn't you like to know?
Kept a secret? too damn many
Told a secret? see above.
Done something you totally regret? i've never truly regretted anything i did.
Changed your view on things? i never really change my views, i just tweak them to fit my current circumstances.
Actual resolutions:
1. Do enough homework to get a B in Heggood's class.
2. Start caring about other people more.
3. Do whatever it takes to get my VW Bus.
4. Get my license.
5. Be serious about USNA.
6. Learn to love properly again.
let's pretend to be enemies