stolen from my girl
scarlett_wilde, cus it looked fun :D
Post a sentence (or two or a paragraph) from as many of your WIPs as you want, with no explanation attached.
most of my WIPs haven't actually been started yet, they're just basic outlines in my head/word...but I'll do the ones that have been started at least :D
1. Self-consciously he glanced back down the road he came. There were no other cars in sight. Half-wondering if she might be a figment of his imagination his boot touched the brake pedal and he slowed as he pulled along side her.
2. The news anchor pressed a hand to his earpiece, saying something about sulfur before choking suddenly. A flash of bright red erupted from his mouth before the camera jostled and the screen just went blank.
3. “Dude, you didn’t even make it to second base?”
Castiel finally turned and made eye contact again, head cocked, obviously confused.
“We were not playing baseball.”
4. “I don’t remember much of Mom...”
The sudden switch of subjects had Sam looking over at him.
“I wish I did...but I don’t...and Cindy...” he sighed. “I guess Cindy was the next best thing.”
5. Unless you were directly responsible for whatever had happened the last thing she wanted to hear from you was that you were sorry. It was a pet peeve of hers. Kind of like people assuming she didn’t know about cars because she had a vagina.
Or gravy on her mashed potatoes.
6. Randy, or Miranda Johnson according to her birth certificate, although Dean couldn’t ever remember anyone ever calling her that. Except maybe Caleb, but only when she was in trouble.
Which ironically enough always involved Dean somehow.
7. “Dean you are not buying another grill,” Sam said, cutting him off.
“Why not?” Dean whined.
“’Cause you are not getting into a pissing contest with our neighbor.”
“She started it!”
8. It was always wet here, bone-deep damp and cool. It reminded him of the mines. It smelled fresher, evergreens and open sky. Didn't stink of earth and ash, methane and mineral. But the salt air from the coast coated the back of his throat. It was close enough.
huh, so I have less started than I thought I addition to these I have 9 10 outlined and another dozen that are just IDEAS