It's okay to beat him up for info!

Nov 07, 2007 09:09

Dear Lee Jordan,

Mukasey Bid Survives Division on Senate Panel

By Dan Eggen and Paul Kane
Washington Post Staff Writer and Staff Writer
Wednesday, November 7, 2007; Page A03


«The committee's 11 to 8 vote in favor of Mukasey was accompanied by an impassioned exchange of views between his supporters and opponents, who divided principally over of his refusal to say whether an aggressive interrogation tactic that mimics drowning amounts to illegal torture under U.S. law.»

Take a guess about what upsets me. Come on! Ain't that hard! Just take a guess. ^_^

«Mukasey angered lawmakers in both parties by repeatedly declining to answer questions about the interrogation technique known as waterboarding, saying he found the technique "repugnant" but could not determine its legality without access to classified information.»

Yes, I could go on quoting the entire article but I won't. It's outrageous how, after such a tiring, terrible fight to remove former AG Alberto Gonzales from the office, now they are letting in another, evidently "bushy" to keep patronizing such shameful politics. An Attorney General, as chief representant of a country's Law SHOULD be the first to stick to it. Should be the first to apply the Law as it is written, by the letter, and defend it, defend the rights as well as the duties assigned to all countrymen in the many laws, the Constitution and also in the signed International Agreements. Not externing an opinion on whether "pretend drowning" is illegal or not, is pretty much the signing of a weak will, but above all, a sold will, an agreement with such a practice. I do not know the American Constitution, for I am not American, but I doubt the Law allows people to be tortured, either during an interrogation or for any means. We all know that information or confessions gotten through torture are forbidden. Well, perhaps they are being tortured to get war information? After the Second World War, many countries signed the Geneva Conventions and other protocols about Human Rights and Humanitarian Laws. Countries have been banned for not sticking to them. Haven't we heard about military interventions into countries, or trade-banning because of their inhuman conditions and laws? Isn't Cuba subject to trade embargo still? And how many more? What about the "Tier" countries? What about the countries where there is a sizeable amoount of slave labour force? What about countries where the human rights are but a myth? And in the face of all this, how could a country like the US, which has always presented itself as the epithome of Freedom preech when its Attorney General is not quite sure if certain types of "repugnant" torture are or are not against the law?

And perhaps closer to home, how could an Attorney General pass judgment over a man who beats his wife, or a parent to beats and tortures its children when he condones the very Government's torture for war or other reasons?

The very Government, in the end, are the role model of the society, and whatever vice they commit, they show the population, that it is an acceptable behavior. How can then a mother be stopped from near drowning the child that doesn't want to wash dishes, when the Government has decided that well, maybe it's not against the Law. Repulsive yes, ilegal, no. And then, well, how about beating someone with a phonebook? It's a kind of torture, but if it's okay to do it in Guantanamo, why not against your wife? The bitch surely deserves it, right? then, let's take it a little further, shall we? I hate this motherfucker "Six" from the office. Well, since he's into guns and talks all day long on the phone, scoring for himself all kinds of militar weapons, shotguns, these anti bullet vests, army issue ammo and stuff... well, since he does look like the Arabs one see around, I pick up my phone, call in the Home Security and tell on him. I say he's a terrorist and so I have the Government beating the shit out of him, professionally. But, you know, its okay, because it's not ilegal, and... he could be a terrorist.


When it's gonna stop?

Love to All,

Locky The Bunny


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