
Nov 06, 2007 14:52

My Dear Lee Jordan,

Oh dear, I have been Facebooking so long today. My friend Katja and I have been showering each other with so much drinks I was thinking that maybe we would need a permit to keep so much booze in our sites! ^_^ Well, I guess we took it so frantically, that we have actually gotten every single invented drink from this "Top Friend" thingie. Got all the way to the "bling-bling". Booze in record time! Of course, me being generous, I sent round after round to my fave friends all over the place. Brain-bleeding (hemo-something), tequila, B-52, White Russians, Scotch... you name it, with eventual coffee, water and green tea. It was so fucking FUN you can't even imagine!

I found I love Facebook because there's no chance some idiot motherfucker could go to your site and read all the shit about you. They see your picture, if you upload it, your name, your country and that's it. Poke, message, friend if you like, people can't get to you, and you can ACTUALLY choose to "IGNORE" the unwanted sons and daughters of whores, so, of course I'm very pleased, even if I have to shove of my back an unwanted load of crappers who decide they want to friend me based only on my face. Whomever said that beautiful people have it easy, they know SHIT. STUPID beautiful people have it easy... because they are stupid. Smart people, beautiful or ugly, have it hard. It's annoying to spend days shooing away all the unwanted attention.

No, this is not my natural and justified narcissism talking, this is real. Attention can be unwanted and it is most annoying. Of course I do not expect attention whores to understand.

The selectiveness allowed is wonderful, and so you get to actually KNOW people before admitting them. It's great. ^_^
Have met a few cool people. Am mesaging with others I have on my "Study List", while I decide whether they are worthy of my time and my attention. What can I say? I'm picky. I'm not the kind of person who seeks to have more and more friends so that I can brag and say:

"Oh, I have a lot of friends!"

As if that were to mean anything because the "quantity" of friends I have would mean who likeable I am. There's an old saying that goes sort of like this:

«Tell me with whom you are and I'll tell you what you are.»

You walk around with brainless people who have no friends, buut collect contact and acquaintances, I'm sorry to tell you, but it means you are someone who's not worth taking the time to know. ^_^ Facebook allows me to filter every unwanted motherfucker so easily I just love it!

Well, but that's not the main topic of my current entry. This will be short because:

A. I don't have much time
B. What I have to say is short and to the point
C. It should not take much for people to understand
D. It's controversial, though it should be clear

Today's eye-catching news came from my daily CNN report. This time it was about Venezuela and the endangering of the Constitution by President Chavez. Now, I have friends from both sides of the game, so, if you want to answer, either be respectful or "apechuge con lo que le llueva".

According to the CNN, one of Chavez' Top generals, or former Top Generals, Raúl Baduel has decided to break ties with the President after he passed a package of 69 reforms to the Constitution, Constitution officialized and adopted in 1999. I know this constitution as it is known as the "Constitución Bolivariana", hinting towards the integration work of the Latin American hero, Simón Bolívar (who sought the unifying of Latin American into one single country). My parents made me buy it for them when I was in Caracas, back in 2004. This constitution, as far as my memory serves me, was part of the reforming, revolutionary work of President Chavez. Now, IF he did it, IF he worked on it, why must he put into it 69 reforms? The plan of bringing Venezuela to a "Socialist" path might be nice, but securing his presidency as if he were some kind of "Napoleon" or "Julius Caesar", seizing the power because only he knows what's good for Venezuela... PLEASE.

1. Constitutions are made for a reason: to be respected. Constitutions are made to protect the Greater Good, and though they must be changed from time to time to fit the new, moderns societies, it shall NOT be modified to fit the ambitions of one man. A leader who can't respect the Constitution of the country he pretends to lead, should not be allowed to rule. I'm not telling people to erect guillotines in every square and behead all presidents, senators, representants, ministers and so, BUT the people should claim back their power, their dignity, their voice and their will, and the leaders should remember that they are not "bosses" but SERVANTS.

Mr. Baduel says:

"Constitutions are born precisely to limit the power of governments and to protect citizens from the abusive exercise of power, guaranteeing their rights and liberties."

Please listen

2. Dictatorship is not socialism, it's DICTATORSHIP. Socialism around the world fell because the leaders failed to realize their roles and fulfil them. What's the difference between the Capitalism, the Imperialism and the Socialism when the POOWER and the MEANS of PRODUCTION concentrate in the hands of a few? I'll tell you: none. Socialism is about the whole society and as such, it should be lead through impartial, representative mechanisms that allows that even the weakest voice can be heard. Dictatorship, both of a warlord or a corporation, suffocates those voices and richly give to their kin. Explain to me, please, how a "socialism" or even a "democracy" is desired in this kind of model?

These things happen not only in Venezuela, and are bad not only in Venezuela, but around the Globe. People of the world, it concerns us, it afects us all. How long will we take it?

Love to All,

Locky the Bunny

interests, philosophy, friends, article

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