Oct 18, 2007 15:51
My Dear Lee Jordan,
Time goes by, and the minutes boil up in the damp cold of yet another stormy day seasoned generously with chilly, dry air conditioner frost. Like a parfume made on an excesive base of alcohol, the open bottle of the clock lets them evaporate and be swallowed by the never satisfied artificial air of the office. These same minutes are long for K.M. siting before me in his royal blue shirt. He stares at an empty screen, seeking solace from the boredome in the popping up MSN windows, some Internet sites while pushing back the boring slide presentations and .doc, .pdf documents about our services. A newbie. I know how abhorrently boring can that be.
For K.M. the minutes are heavy like a honey mixture that stick and hardly want to let go. He does not see what I see, nor the experience these minutes as I do. The more minutes I have, the more minutes I can spend writing to you. The more minutes with you.
It's not about the minutes, it's not why I wish to write to you, nor to fill a self-imposed quota, but... for the relax of doing it. Graphomania. The word keeps haunting me each time I give into the pleasure of writing. Is it a sickness, or should it be recognized as a way of living, a lifestyle just like... Veggies? Well, I would not go as far as to have letter magnets on the fridge and geat letter soups, and hold my books with massive marble carved letters. It's not the letter, it's the writing.
Online Class. Someone please explain to me who this shit works? Because there are crass errors in the documento we were given and I wish to point them out for the teacher, BUT no e-mail system or board or messaging ins available. Then, if I'm doing a curse on "Strategy", be so kind as to tell me why do I have to render an essay on Moby Dick? Mean to tell me that Captain Aheb was taking a "cost leader" approach with the whale? Or perhaps a more "market segmentation" one as he was focused on one only whale of the whole possible universe? So, I have a lot of remarks, a lot of complains... and no way to reach the teacher. That's most unpsetting.
Not everybody is in the same curse. Some have been sent to "Ethernet Networks" and then others to "Rural Networks", but we all have to do the same Moby Dick assignment. Needless to say, I have received a lot of offers to make assignments for others (particularly because the assignment is in English). I'm "charging" in coke-cans. Oh, I have a long record on making business with other people's homeworks. Perhaps I'll charge in cash for the next assignment. Either way, the curses are poorly built up, so I want to complain about it.
I hate "Strategy Selection". It's not challenging at all. It's the copy of a curse I took at the University on "Management" or something of the sort. It's boring, and it gives me nothing new. So unsatisfying....
Love to All,
Locky the Bunny