Dear Lee Jordan,
Tra-la-laa!!! I love RUGBY!!! Now, after paging through the very inshighful and instructing book, "Dieux Du Stade", you can't but admire the physical superiority of the French Team. A glance at this magnificently compiled book and you are BOUND to cheer them in every single movement. It makes you learn words like "scrum" and which it means that at some point you will have all that manpower squeering you tight, while your mind races into so much fiction, so many stories and so many images your sanity is on the verge of extintion, if it is not already extinguished, overpowered by animal, basic instincts and lust, sheer lust ... ehh... a powerful move will secure the undoubted victory of your favored team. In this case, as you might well know, the French team.
Well, after rooting for a while now for the rugby, I actually took the trouble, a few days ago, to WATCH the match. Oh-Dear-Jack Daniels, you must see that! It's like American Football but better!! Actually, is better. Period. Fifteen players fight like lions for a watermelon shaped ball and are not afraid of pulling, kicking, squeezing, squashing... and cunning. Pain is nothing as long as you can get the ball and run the yards. I saw France kicking the revolutionary SHIT out of New Zealand, and I tried to understand what have I been doing all this time before I discovered the mighty miracle of rugby.
It was... possessed, and not only due to the overwhelming beauty of all these formed lads, but also from the very dinamics of the game, so much like intelligent war. Transported by a mind soaked in Medieval History and medieval wars, I saw structure, strategy and sheer genius in the way they combined brutality with the cold cunning to get the victory. Little after, I saw another match, this time between South Africa and Argentina. If I ever thought that French were good, it was because I have not withnessed such a magnificient, almost carnivorous, ravenous way of playing the game. Hot guys, hot uniforms (the one in green shirt), but their game!! Their strategy!! Well, they did sent the Argentinians LITERALLY moping and weeping home with a shameful 37-13. Oh well, it wasn't that bad!!! The kicked American ass with a slight... 64-15? It wasn't that bad, Argentina!
Waaaaaaaaaaai'ra minute! What's that "che" grabbing on the South African??? ^_^ Oh dude, I love this game!!!
Yes, baby, we are celebrating you too!!
Friday France and Argentina will play for the third place, and then Saturday England and South Africa will play for the cup. Guess who will be following the game? ^_^
Rugby is my new, passion, or as a friend o' mine says: Oui, je parle Rugby!
Love to All,
Locky The Bunny