Dear Lee Jordan,
Oh yeah, sure, I have wanted a lot of things in the past. I want emeralds, more NC-17 quality slash fics of Lokchart, more ORIGINAL French books in the bookstores (translated American or Latin American books don't do it for me), bagels, more green clothes, more Benetton, more Benetton stores, more amber jewelry, more silver, more NC-17 quality slash fics of Krumggory, more good books on Amazon, more Art Nouveau, more lunch time, colored ink for my fountain pen, more fountain pens (there are NEVER enough fountain pens), more stuffed bunnies (there's not such thing as too many stuffed bunnies), more red bags, more green bags, more fun bags, more hot guys in the movies, more gay clips on YouTube, more yellow things, more shoes, more vacations, ... vacations, more sickdays, more benzos, more coca-cola, more post-its, more boxes...
But today I can't take my mind of something I crave for desperately.
... and avocado sandwich with bacon, cheese (mozarella or at much gouda), onion, majonaise, mustard, honey mustard, tex-mix (chipotle), pickles, cucumber, black olives, bell pepper, salt'n'peppa and olive oil. All in spicy bread. If you can add an omelet to it, or a fried egg, much better.
Some weeks ago I brought down my schedule spreadsheets off the partition I was using as "pin-up wall". As it stood all "nude", my coworkers started complaining about it. They wanted to see something "happen" there. Listening to their complains, I printed a little letter sized sign with the following legend:
Minimal Requirement for the
It's not a private joke, but rather black humoured remark on my side about workmates. Making long story short, the "know how" is a valuable asset people have thanks to knowledge, capacitation, learning and experience. It's requiered to do a job well. I simply remarked that some people, say proyect coordinators or bosses, even directors should try and get some "Know What" (the service is, what are they are supposed to do, and so on), before they even try acquiring some know how.
Anyway, after that, everybody was laughing, and when I printed my simple "manifesto" and pasted it to the partition, people seemed more pleased. Some post-its followed close after and then, on Monday, I found a flyer of a sandwich place. It looked so good I pasted that one as well. Now I live in temptation....
Love to All,
Locky The Bunny