Wisdom Tooth

Jun 24, 2007 13:15

Dear Lee Jordan,

In Hungarian we call it "bölcsesség fog", which means "Wisdom tooth", kinda like in English... I believe. In Spanish we call it "Muela del Juicio", which could be also "wisdom tooth", but also sounds like "judgment tooth". Well, yesterday in the morning and all the way to today, it believe it was a "judgment" tooth rather than wisdom, and I feel like I'm, loosing my case. My cordals are not like those of the rest of my family or other people I know. They don't come out fast, but rather like a little each per year. First a little the superior left, then a little the superior right, then a little the inferior right, and then a little the inferior left. It has been going like that since... I was 26, I believe. I dunno, but it hasn't been something recent. Why this strategy instead of coming out at once? As God and my teeth, because I have no idea.

In any case, I was supposed to go out yesterday with my lovely snyegurochka, but the pain was maddening. I complained, took some acetaminofen (as usual) and nothing. Since the dentist wasn't working, my parents went to a close pharmacy to get me something stronger (too bad you need a special recepy to get psychotropics), and came with a numbing spray and some pills. The pills took care of the swelling of my gums (which wasn't that bad) and helped with the pain on the long run. The spray took care of keeping the area disinfected, and killing the pain immediatelly (had some nobocaine or something like that). Result? HALF MY MOUTH WAS PARALIZED!!!! Oh Sweet Amy Lee, I could hardly speak at all!!! My gums and cheek felt as it I had been in a boxing session!!! Man, it was crazy.

Well, at least it happens now and not at my birthday.

... Oh, note to self and to those who wax: Really, be regular with your waxing, do not procastinate because you think it hurts. The first times it DOES hurt, but if you do it regularly, it will stop hurting, just like with your eyebrows. (Someone please pass this note to all the guys I like, including Rob Pattinson... well, sorry, PARTICULARLY Rob Pattinson.) Trust me, I wax (won't tell you were!) and I used to procastinate because it HURTS like HELL. Usually I neglected it, then just shaved telling myself that I would wax when it had grown a little. A while ago I decided to fuck it, and give up my razor, continued waxing (I do shave my legs because waxing doesn't work there... no idea why) regularly and guess what? Second waxing and it was PAINLESS!!! And girl, I wax where it hurts the more. I was amazed. So I come to you with this: wax regularly. Not only your skin becomes BABY SOFT, but it also lasts longer... and boys love to lick waxed skin... even of they don't know it's waxed!!! ^_^

(This second waxing happened four weeks after the first one. It may happen that the first four times, while your body hair gets used to it, but after that, it seems that the folicule starts growing closer to the surface of the skin, and also grows far weaker and thinner, and so, pulling the unwanted hair out is so easy!!)

Love to All,

Locky The Bunny
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