Dec 15, 2005 13:58
I have a new idea for a tattoo. Yeah, that is right. That is how it works over here. My mind get flooded with ideas. Not just the normal ideas of "I could get away with it, I'm in the middle of the dessert" or "It would be better if he had a bullet in his head," but grand schemes. YES! I hope you are on my level now.
Right, the Tattoo. Picture of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson with this quote "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they've always worked for me." - Hunter S. Thompson. Amazing. This is a divine thought.
Oh god. Would god have to think? That is a scary thought when dopped up on whatever these doctors gave me. That's right, I have been under the weather the last few day, even if the weather has nothing to do with it, and need to stop into the medical office to see if they could give me a little of something to crush these bacteria that have put a blockade of my normal everyday functions.
I was getting to a point. I really was. Doesn't matter. Some how my Garbage CD is missing. I don't know who would of taken it. Pooztraz?(The Core knows this name well)So this morning while my roommate was trying to get to sleep I thought it best to confront him about my missing beloved CD. With him already laying down I pinned him down with my knees and sat on his chest yelling "Do you have my fucking CD? It has a big pink G on it. Don't fuck with me, I need none of your nonsense at the moment. I haven't been sleeping well and the Nyquil you gave doesn't work, my body rejects your filth. Answer me!"
He didn't have it.
Now I am just left with a shit load of "Tang" the orange like drink with insane amounts of Vitamin C. The best type since Pirates dyed of scurvy which would of been prevented if they had "Tang" back then.
I have been meaning to get to the story of the Bread Monster, all Hail his name, and the story of how I befriended then men who clean the bathroom and don't speak english.