It's been a while since I posted here. I didn't feel like I had anything to post about, but now Doctor Who is back!
Loved that BBC did a "global premiere". I got to watch the first episode at the same time as the UK (though with commercials the episode probably ended after the episode was over in the UK, but anyway). So, new Doctor, new Companions, new, well, everything.
Were there no opening credits? I was all excited to hear the new theme song, but there was nothing, just the end credits. Which, okay, technically is almost the same as the opening credits, but I still wanted to see the new title card with the names of everyone. Like, did they put Jodie Whittaker's face in there? I guess we'll get proper opening credits next week. But from what they did have in the end credits, the new theme isn't bad. Got a bit of the old in there, but with new things over top. The score wasn't bad, either, not that I know music or anything. Can't wait to see if the Doctor has a new theme as well.
As for the episode itself, I felt like it took a while to get going. I know the episodes are longer now, so you have more time to linger in scenes, but I don't know if that's exactly a boon for Doctor Who. There's always been a certain frantic pace to the show. You might have more time to spend with the characters, but you also want to get to the adventure and fun. And then there's the risk of overstuffing an episode because you have the extra time. The Marvel Netflix shows all face this problem at some point and that's usually the point where your interest starts to lag. In regards to this episode, at least you have Jodie's performance to get you through until stuff starts happening. It was a joy watching her try to figure out who she was. She may not remember her name, but the Doctor it still there, and she can still save the day even when her brain is still rebooting. I don't have a true sense of how Thirteen will be, but that enthusiasm to see the universe and that drive to help people will always remain.
(And thank you for not lingering over the fact that the Doctor is a woman now.)
I'm still annoyed that they went with three Companions (or friends as they're being called now). Three has never been an ideal number for Companions. Sometimes it does work (i.e: Barbara, Ian, Susan and then later Vicki), but sometimes it doesn't (i.e.: Tegan, Nyssa, and Adric). Since Ryan, Yaz, and Graham had no plans to travel with the Doctor, that might make things more interesting, but I don't want to end up with situations where two Companions are off doing things while the third just stands around. For now, the dynamic seems to be working. Yaz and Ryan have that youthful determination, while Graham is going to be that guy who asks "Why are we doing this?" and "Is this safe?" It's been a long time since we had a Companion who doesn't exactly love travelling with the Doctor. Though, it absolutely sucks that they killed off Ryan's nan in the first episode. It was obvious it was going to happen, since Grace wasn't featured in any of the trailers, but did she really have to die?
The plot was all right. It was mainly a problem to show how the Doctor works and thinks. Was it a great plot to grab new viewers? Like, do you start off with a huge alien invasion for the Doctor to thwart? Or do you do something a little smaller? I think it was a decent in-between option, at least. Menacing alien who kills people, but there's no potential invasion. The teeth face thing was gross, but that's the point. I just love that the Doctor kept calling the alien "Tim Shaw". While it's so something the Doctor would do, you could also chalk it up to a post-regeneration thing where her hearing is still wonky.
And did I detect some lines in there that could also be interpreted as advice about embracing all of this new change? ;-)
Random: So, they apparently changed the aspect ratio and update the lighting and some other stuff to make the show look more cinematic. The lighting did look a bit more dramatic, but of course, it's hard to say when most of the episode was set a night. I guess we'll see more of a difference with future episodes. Something tells me we won't see the new TARDIS interior until the end of next episode. The Doctor's new sonic screwdriver is made from melted spoons! But where did she get the light from? Is it an Earth light or something grabbed from "Tim Shaw"'s pod? So the Doctor's new outfit was a thrift store find. My only gripe is the earring. When did the Doctor have time to pierce her ear? How old is Yaz? If Ryan is 19, does that make Yaz the same age? Or was she a few grades ahead of him in school? I guess if this is a smaller city, then you would know the people in the other grades.
You know, airing Doctor Who on Sundays isn't so bad. I hardly ever go out on Sundays, so I'll always be home to watch it. Hopefully this doesn't affect the ratings in a negative way.