- A friend on Facebook posted a link to this:
https://www.omaze.com/experiences/Dr_who A chance to have breakfast with 7 Doctors! In London!
I can't argue with that, especially if the donations are for charity (Red Nose Day). I typically don't pay attention to contests, but this one is hard to ignore. Though, I can barely say things to one celebrity at a con at the best of times. Having a private meal with seven celebrities? I'd probably go mute and it'd all be very awkward.
- Finally got my copy of Mass Effect: Andromeda today. It was supposed to arrive yesterday, but it got delayed. I won't get a chance to start playing it until tomorrow, but thankfully I only have a half day of work tomorrow. Though, I'm sure I'll waste a good hour trying to customizing the main character. I mean, I'm going to be staring at this version of Ryder for countless hours, so she better look good. ;-)
- The Flash's crossover musical episode was yesterday. I'm going to write up my thoughts later, but I was endlessly amused by the fact that the soundtrack was up on iTunes and YouTube after the episode aired. Back in the days of Buffy's musical, you were forced to pirate the tracks from, I dunno, Napster or wherever. Even then, the tracks still had the background audio. Oh, look how far technology has come.