[Siren's Pull] Activity Thread

Oct 14, 2010 00:20

* Indicates important events plotwise, or big jumps in CR development.

[ May 2011 ]

*May 03 - POST - Arrival in Siren's Port. Sora gets a rough welcome.♦ Ventus Rochelle Vanitas LucaAquaMidna Xigbar Terra Ahiru Joe Tifa Gohan Kadaj Riku Roxas MayaAllen
May 04 - Goofy - THREAD - Y hello thar pal! Also, I don't think this store is what you think it is.
May 06 - Xigbar - THREAD - Organization XIII goes corporate as the "Xino E. Mao Corporation". Sora doesn't buy it, buster.
*May 08 - LOG - Sora, Xion, Ven - Xion and Ven do some undercover spying on Sora. Like most things they do, it ends in fail and ice cream.
May 09 - Raven - THREAD - Heroes, Superheroes, Junior Heroes. It's in the job description, yanno?
May 09 - Ven - THREAD - Bunny staring contest. The war rages on. Also... you're friends with Roxas. Right?
May 13 - Riku - THREAD - organizing time.
May 14 - Edgeworth - THREAD - Taking on AGI with a side of Xino E. Mao. Watch yourself, Edgey.
May 14 - Zoey - THREAD - "Attacking you, sending creepy texts, following you around - that's perfectly normal if not annoying behavior."
May 15 - Max - THREAD  1 2 - "Goofy, you have a kid!?"
*May 15 - Demyx - THREAD - In which Demyx and Sora argue like six-year-olds. No tour guides for you! Also, even nobodies have names, Sora.
May 15 - Xion - THREAD - XION! IRON CHEF.
*May 17 - Joe - THREAD - Tattoos and memories and guilty, guilty, guilty.
May 19 - Ven - THREAD - Call! So about dat evil guy... And time shenanigans.
*Maybe. May 19 - Xion - THREAD - Call! So about dat evil guy... part deux! Xion Falcon Punches Sora with the truth.
May 19 - Riku - THREAD - Call! So about dat evil guy ... the trilogy!
May 19 - Sayaka - THREAD - An adventure!
May 20 - Harry Dresden - THREAD - girlfriend trouble.
May 21 - Rin - THREAD - the worlds between.

May 22 - POST - Goofy and Sora try to tickle the funny bone of Siren's Port (to find out if Max is a tried and true Goof!)♦ Xion Max Demyx Terra Sarina Claude Sayaka Roxas Polly
*May 22 - Roxas - THREAD - awkward times call for coffee measures. ALMOST 'doing it right' at the poetry slam.
May 22 - Undertaker - THREAD - things that go bump in the n- DID YOU JUST KILL THAT GUY?
*May 24 - Master Xehanort - THREAD - MX has got a bad case of the Terra-face. GET OUT, OLD MAN.
May 24 - Minnie - THREAD - /salutes. Sora and Goofster reporting for duty, ma'am.
May 24 - Leon - THREAD - Hey there, Sq-Leon.
May 24 - Data Riku - THREAD - Organization XIII? Care? Pffffff.
May 24 - Pinky Pie - THREAD - musical ponies. Go figure.
May 24 - Hades - THREAD - Your heads on fi- oh. Right.
*May 27 - Roxas - THREAD - Call! Xehanort and Vanitas interested in Sora?
May 27 - Spiderman - THREAD - Tough crowds man. We've got em'.
May 30 - Peter Parker - THREAD - confounded crazy powered people.

[June 2011]

June 01 - Lucy Pevensie - THREAD - Armed little people.
June 01 - Aerith Gainsborough - THREAD - This is not the Aerith you're looking for.

*June 02 - LOG - Light-siders prepare for the final battle with Xehanort.♦ Ventus Riku Roxas Aqua Joe
June 05 - Xemnas - THREAD - Which side you on, bb?
June 06 - White Rabbit - THREAD - Have you seen Alice?
June 07 - Gohan - THREAD - Gohan's a little down in the dumps.
June 08 - Riku - THREAD - No sign of trouble. Yet.

*June 09 - LOG - Roxas, Sora, Xehanort  - Xehanort ambushes Sora and Roxas on patrol.
*June 09 - POST - Roxas, Sora - Sora fires off an emergency message to the network during the fight. Too little, too late.
*June 09 - LOG - Roxas, Sora - Sora and Roxas wake up in the twilight zone. Fight. And learn a little bit about themselves.

June 16 -Riku - THREAD - call! Roxas+Sora have freed themselves from the mirror. First one Sora calls? Riku.
June 23 - Rochelle - THREAD - Let's go to Disney...land? Happy anniversary!
June 23 - Raven - THREAD - Healing feels like a beach trip!
June 24 - Terra - THREAD - We did the right thing! ... Didn't we?
*June 24 - Roxas - THREAD - Sleeping friends, sleeping memories, pets ... and an almost-invitation.
June 25 - Demyx - THREAD - A place to call Home That Never Was.
June 25 - Ramona - THREAD - From Blue to Blonde in 60 seconds.
June 25 - Polly - THREAD - Lookin sharp in uniform. A very merry un-birthday to you!
June 27 - Reim - THREAD - Puppy!
June 30 - Yako - THREAD- Need a hand ma'am?

[July 2011]

*July 02 - LOG - Roxas remembers how Sora helped Ven once upon a time. Maybe he can help mend his heart this time too.


*July 19 - Roxas - THREAD - Roxas runs into the Remnant.
July 19 - Kairi - THREAD - Kairi picked up seashells by the seashore.
July 19 - Ahiru - THREAD - fluffy Ducklings... AND  BLOOODD RAINNNNN.
July 19 - Aqua - THREAD - Aqua is not all hunky dory. Smells like broken heart in here.
July 19 - Namine - THREAD - Welcome back Namine. And how come it's always cows...
July 19 - Vanitas - THREAD - The return of one unhappy vanipants.
July 19 - Luxord - THREAD - Subdued finger pointing commence!
July 20 - Roxas - THREAD - Think Sora's still got some growth spurts left in him too?


July 29 - Sissel - THREAD - Ghosts and manchildren.
July 29 - Hope - THREAD - Hope returns to the Port.
July 29 - Elaine - THREAD - Missing people.
July 29 - Jinx - THREAD - A favor. Also Jinx's gonna be a mom soon, and Sora's sworn to secrecy.
July 31 - Reim -  THREAD - you in trouble, pal?

[August 2011 ]August 02 - Joe - THREAD - Community programs. Like a YMCA for the newcomers \o/. Also, Wayfinders.
August 03 - White Rabbit - THREAD - Alice is here! Have some little people paint.
August 04 - Terra - THREAD - You're free right? Also, teachers and big brothers.
August 05 - POST - Danger on the horizon for the port as Sora contemplates what it means to get a drivers' license.♦ Roxas Emma FrostDoctor Who (XI)Riku Rochelle Gohan Luxord Jack KellyAhiruJinx Ventus ♦ ♦ DemyxSoulOruhaXemnasJoeXionNamineRavenRin ♦ 
August 06 - Demyx - THREAD - Somebody spilled the news about Jinx's baby.
August 06 - Tron - THREAD - SKLgjsldkgjsdgTRON!!!
August 06 - Keigo - THREAD - Cats and beer. And more cats and MURDER.

August 07 - LOG - Sora whisks away the Kingdom Hearts cast to heal inside and out.♦  NamineJinx Gohan RikuAqua
*August 16 - LOG - Earthquake Event - Sora runs into Roxas and Xigbar for some awkward times. Roxas and Sora argue.
August 17 - Trish - THREAD - "what's shakin," also, Vanitas is a jerk.
August 18 - Lois - THREAD - Happy Birthday! Also cake pickin. Sora's an expert.
*August 19 - Roxas -  THREAD - Roxas and Sora talk for the first time after their fight. Meanwhile, Sora's seeing things.
August 20 - Oruha - THREAD - Oruha's sick.
August 20 - Polly - THREAD - Talkin furniture and wine glasses and being sick too.
August 21 - John - THREAD - Sburbs and movies.
*August 21 - Demyx - THREAD - In which Demyx discovers porn / Things even Sora didn't know about Atlantica.
August 21 - Xion  - THREAD - Xion asks about makeovers and dates. Clearly Sora is the best to ask.
August 22 - BATMAN - THREAD - Bats teaches Sora a little something about heroes.
August 23 - Ahiru - THREAD - Welcome back. Missing somebody.
August 23 - Joe - THREAD - Strange things afoot. Also, witches.
August 25 - Zoey Redbird - THREAD - Traveling.
August 25 - Riku - THREAD - Loss at the Felton.
August 25 - Jinx - THREAD - Traveling.
August 25 - Ventus - THREAD - Painting.
August 27 - Diego - THREAD - Feeling a little uninspired today.

August 26 - POST - Sora and bucket lists and missing Kairi.♦  *RoxasRochelle Demyx JoeRiku Ahiru Terra John Bruce Wayne Ritsuka Leon Maya Gamzee Reim Spiderman
August 28 - LOG - Riku and Sora give Kairi a proper good-bye.

[September 2011]

September 02 - Vanitas - THREAD - Vanitas is feeling under the weather. Or under the influence of mind-warping hug-inducing cherry blossoms.
September 07 - Rin - THREAD - Rin's little apartmentshop of horrors. AKA the little fire hydrant who munched.
September 08 - Meowth - THREAD - Cat-napped! Also, watch the claws.
September 09 - Damian Wayne - THREAD - Like keeping memories in a pocket with a hole in it.
September 09 - Tyrell - THREAD - Old people who know everything and finding a way out of the port.
September 09 - Archy - THREAD - Archy and the little people rescue squad.
September 11 - Luffy + Choppa - THREAD - Deers, and monkies and cockroaches. Oh my.
September 11 - Tiger - THREAD - Wild Tiger, superhero for hire.
September 10 - Emily - THREAD - Never said it was a happy story.
September 12 - Axel - THREAD - Be careful on the other side.
September 16 - Roxas - THREAD - She's dead, Jim.
September 16 - Gamzee - THREAD - And Sora thought he was bad at telling jokes.
September 16 - Terra - THREAD - Aqua goes missing.
September 17 - Kida - THREAD - Perfect job for you!
September 17 - Namine - THREAD - Can't sleep tonight.
September 17 - LOG - After finding out Xion's no longer alive back home, Sora calls her out to spend time... and have a heart to heart.

--- HIATUS for school, Return to HUGE Slowatus ---

[October 2011]
October 20 - Kairi THREAD - watching out for biffle, and strange dreams afoot.
October 20 - Ven + Roxas THREAD - Pizza rolls! And... post-awkward talk with Roxas.
October 21 - Vanitas + Xigbar - THREAD Prince puff Xigbar and Kirby Pink Vanitas...
October 28 - Yako  - THREAD - Pumpkin carving.
-- SOON TO UPDATE. Must fill in links when LJ is no longer a monstrous failure in eating my threads-- [January 2012]January 8 - Jade -  THREAD - ...

*game: siren's pull, *ooc: activity

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