Tarot reading: 4/24/07.

Apr 24, 2007 06:47

Comments are turned off so that those of you who may feel required to add your input are unable. Please respect my wishes and don't. If you feel so inclined to talk to me about my own Tarot reading, you can do it in person (but why would you, really?)

Extended Celtic Cross:

01.) Represents the Inquirer: Six of Swords
Journeys; difficult choices. A journey or move from one place to another is indicated. To progress you must make a change in consciousness and attitude. A difficult choice must be made that may involve great changes.

02.) Helpful Forces: 13 - Death
Transformation. A significant transformation approaches. An unplanned event requires you to make a dramatic or radical change. Illusions are stripped away, leaving you with only the bare truth. A possible inheritance or unexpected money may come your way.

03.) Opposing Forces: Two of Pentacles
Harmony through changes. Prepare to juggle two life-events at once without losing control. You will know harmony and contentment even though there are changes going on around you. This is a time of ups and downs in moods and energy.

04.) Present Happenings/Frame of Mind: Eight of Wands
Movement; urgency. Barriers fall and events move quickly. Urgent messages of a positive nature come your way. You may take a journey, possibly by air.

05.) Subconscious Feelings: 4 - The Emperor
Power; God influence. Your life will be smoother if you cultivate leadership and stability in order to progress. You may be influenced by a charismatic personality. You may move into a position of power in your job. This is a good time for real estate transactions. God influences come into your life. If in a negative position, this card indicates either a desire to control others or that you are being controlled.

06.) Past Influences: 3 - The Empress
Unexpected blessings; Goddess influence. Unexpected gifts and blessings come to you. A possible marriage or commitment to a relationship is close. You may experience a possible pregnancy, or period of creativity. Travel, pleasant recreation, or social gathering will benefit you at this time. Financial security and good fortune can be yours with planning and commitment. Goddess influences are at work in your life.

07.) Immediate Future: Eight of Pentacles
New skills, new opportunities. Take the time to learn new skills. Use your knowledge to create new opportunities. Karma brings good things your way; you will reap the benefits of past work.

08.) Fears and Attitudes: 21 - The World
Achieving success and goals. Everything is going right for you. You are contemplating a decision to cut away all the dead wood and begin a new cycle in life. This is a good time to achieve your goals. You are entering a period of success in all areas of your life. New opportunities arise.

09.) Influence/Opinion of Family/Friends: Page of Pentacles
News of money. News of money comes unexpectedly. You could experience a period of prophetic dreams. Now is the opportunity to delve into a new area of study and knowledge.

10.) Results of Thoughts/Actions: Knight of Swords
Misfortune; persecution. An unexpected misfortune could be near. There will be unforeseen attacks on you as a person. You could suffer persecution because of your religious beliefs; be careful sharing your views.

11.) Final Outcome: Queen of Wands
Reaping rewards; social events. A feminine influence, who is socially active, could aid you in some way. You achieve success in a goal. A round of social activities brightens your life. This is a time for reaping good rewards from your labors.

12.) Extended: 14 - Temperance
New perspectives. This card may presage a period of creative inspiration, or a time of harmony and peacefulness. Self-control and inner guidance will get you through difficulties. A trip gives you a new perspective on an old issue. You need to adapt to new circumstances.

13.) Extended: Seven of Pentacles
Anxiety; progress stopped. Progress could be stopped in the middle of a project. Be careful or you may be involved in bad investments. There is a possibility of anxiety about finances. Your effort is spent on the wrong things.

Ohyeah, I'm not even going to leave commentary. It hit some of it on the head, others made sense after typing it out.

One of these days I'm going to just write a program that had all the definitions for my cards set up, so then all I have to do is click the card and can read what it says. Especially as a lot of times it's the EXTENDED description that makes sense, rather than the simple one.

Oh well.



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