Nov 30, 2003 22:05
I was looking forward to coming back to school, and being in my new dorm, but now that Im here...IM FUCKIN BORED OUTTA MY MIND! Ive even resorted to writing a live journal for god's sake!
Things that I am pissed about right now: 1. The chord I bought to hook my CD player up to my PC is a mono chord...gotta bring it back (and i lost the receipt, which is so unlike me) 2. Im hooked on MEDAL OF HONOR, which I bought this week, and I dont have a TV to play it on! 3. Lisa's not here 4. Sunday's blow at UMD! 5. I know I had more, maybe i dont...
Turkish feast: The vaca was awesome. Lisa came down tues night and checked out my new dorm. My roomie was gone so it was cool...only everyone on campus decided to skip classes wed and go home tues, so the place was dead. Then we went home wed. after a pit stop at rescaf...the omelet lady was off :'(...Thursday me and lisa went to the game, where we saw everyone from high school. It was wicked cool. Then I went home cause my mom was making the thanksgiving feast for all the family. She was a wreck. Needless to say the family was fine, the food was great, and my cousin inspired me to buy the new medal of honor. Lisa and I met up later that night to goto lasalette, and then we saw Master and Commander - highly recommended. Friday, woke up late hung with lisa before she went to work and then me and Canton went to get Medal of Honor which we played all day!! Such a sick game! I picked up Lisa from work, but she was tired and had a headache so i got her medacine and tucked her in while me jbro and chris played video games till about 12 - 12:30. Sat we had a rockin band practice. IT FELT SO DAMN GOOD TO PLAY WITH THE BAND AGAIN - I love you guys!!! We sucked alittle, but we'll get back in shape. Then me and Lisa hung out the rest of the night. She's awesome! Sunday I worked, fell asleep, ate dinner with the rents, then went to lisa's to drive her to the trainstation. Then I came back here - my dorm at UMD...where im bored outta my mind!!!!
The good things came home with me. It was really good to get back home and get back in touch with my "norton" side. I continue to realize that I have a great family, amazing friends, an unbeleivable girl friend, and a dog that annoys the hell outta me. It was so great rockin' out this week with the band, and I can't wait to be on stage with them again. Being away from the family kinda makes coming home awkward, but it was great to see them...Lisa has, without a doubt, made me realize how lucky I am. Im so greatful to have someone so amazing in my life, and that is something that i will never take for granted! As for Jettson - you can goto hell! j/k He's a bitch sometimes, but I love him to death.
This was yet again another very choppy entry. Im sorry for that. I just had a lot to put down, and I really didn't wanna type...Ill get back to writing stupid shit another time. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Im out like a trout.