Lobster's Notes, 6 July 2009

Jul 06, 2009 00:31

NOTE: This material only exists, ICly, in The Lobster's mind. They are reproduced here for my reference and others' OOC entertainment.

Person: suck_it_irulan
[ ref]

* Distrustful of computing technology. Claims they are too convenient and weaken humanity with complacency.
* Claims to be from the future, and the planet "Arrakis, once known as Dune."
* Not human; claims native form was larger than the tower containing the Porter, but was made human on arrival. Seems to have already been familiar with humans, though, enough to be disturbed by the Porter giving them powers.
* Apparently was the subject of a novel in this world. The Porter somehow erased all existence of the books upon his arrival. Presumably, other people brought here may also be fictional outside their own worlds, but if so, there may not be any evidence.
* Has agreed to write his own account of his life to date, in order to replace the erased book.

Person: grenadeball

* Apparently can be helpful sometimes. May be a random factor, or possibly she took issue with my message.
* Makes wagers with Lucifer -- the Lucifer, from the sound of it -- where the winner gets to ask the loser a question and get a fully sincere answer.
* Current such wager: A "concert battle," whatever that means.

Person: loltraitorlol

* Was reading novel featuring Leto Atreides. Was upset when Atreides' arrival caused its destruction.
* Objects to Atreides' dislike of technology.
* On a seemingly related note, statements made and then backpedaled from imply he is also not human, but has been made so by the Porter.
* Grating voice, high-pitched and screeching. "Starscream" may well be the truer name.
* Seems to have a... complex friendship with Death.

Person: simplyteasing

* Claims to be from "the far-flung past." Actual timeframe unspecified.
* Only been here a month, already finds it boring.

Person: emperorshand

* Objects to view of technology creating weakness.
* Claims her civilization of origin has been technologically advanced for a "few thousand years," to no ill effect. (Future? Alien/not from Earth?)
* Spoke, and may be a user, of a universal life-based energy field known as "The Force." Also mentioned a group of Force-users called "Sith," who abuse its power for harmful, selfish reasons.

Person: countsthecosts

* Described a microwave oven to Atreides. Not particularly impressed by it.

Person: makingsofwhat

* From a place -- a planet? -- named "Montressor."

Person: silverankh
[ ref]

* ...She is Death, or at least the Death of some other world. Very strange.
* Spoke of siblings. Death has siblings?
* Calls for a meeting with said siblings and a "Nightmare."
* Had been away for a while, seeking out her realm -- the one in her own world, or the equivalent in this one? Unspecified. -- but dire cosmic consequences would come of trying to get in. She's said she therefore won't try.

Person: xf_shatterstar

* Apparently a good friend of Death's. Has offered to help with her unspecified trouble. Nothing else of note as yet.

Person: iruledeadpeople

* Immediately deferent to Death: Called her "Lady," although she immediately waved off formality. Some inherent sense/hierarchy? Coached by someone else?
* Death seemed very interested in him. Presumably further conversation went under private cover.

Person: lyingbrat

* Sounded like a little girl. The Porter abducts children as well?!
* Accompanied by an unspecified companion named "Pan," with shapeshifting abilities. Prefers to take the form of an ermine.

Person: loves_war

* Male, very German. Name presumably actually a military title.
* Sounded very eager to meet Death and talk with her. A Major in what military, I wonder?

Person: oculiform

* Male, but apparently not originally human.
* Answers Death's call for a meeting, but is deferent to her unlike a sibling: The "Nightmare" she mentions?
* Claims to be on a date with enigmaestro at the time.

Person: enigmaestro

* Insists that it's Not A Date.
* He was, however, quite drunk.
* A partial name to go with the ID number "Eddie."
* Seems to have an interest in puzzles.

Person: caststwoshadows

* Death's... "sister-brother." Even stranger than Death herself.
* Death apparently feels the need -- and may possibly have the ability, interestingly -- to set some rules on... "its" activities in the City. Desire, however, does not like this idea.
* As what sounds like the embodiment of a concept, the idea of Desire being prone to capriciously and harmfully toying with people is... unsurprising.

Person: tachikoman

* Presents an image of... some sort of small 4-legged robot. Says it has been made human, however.
* Claims familiarity with searching the Internet. (Note to self: Find the library, and learn more about that.)

Person: notquiteidol

* Immediately recognized Death, wanted to genuflect and worship. Suspicious.

Person: catmasked

* Seems to have been "claimed" by Desire, and isn't especially comfortable with it.

Person: meaculpable

* The Lucifer, from the way people speak of him. How bizarre.

Person: watsthename

* Death and Desire's sister; "Del" is presumably short for some other concept.
* People being/getting lost seems to be an issue for her.
* Family has a brother who "went away," and refused to return after Del found him and asked. Reasons as yet unstated.

Person: knows_science

* Also recognized Death straight off.
* Presumably, this is due to an encounter with his world's version.
* This encounter, according to McNinja, includes his having decapitated Death during a near-death experience, in order to keep from being claimed as fully dead.
* ...Presumably, this has something to do, somehow, with his being a ninja.

[c&c][p] mara jade, [c&c][p] edward nygma, [c&c][p] lucifer, [c&c][p] bucky barnes, [c&c][p] tank girl, [c&c][p] lyra, [c&c][p] the corinthian, [c&c][p] delirium, [c&c][p] #17213777, [c&c][p] #20721578, [c&c][p] #20426588, [c&c][ooc] lobster's notes, [c&c][p] starscream, [c&c][p] #19760592, [c&c][p] desire, [c&c][p] leto atreides ii, [c&c][p] catwoman, [c&c][p] the major, [c&c][p] death, [c&c][p] doctor mcninja, [c&c][p] nico di angelo, [c&c][p] tachikoma

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